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People : Carter, D.L.

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Carter, D.L. (1975) BOOK REVIEW: "Irrigation, Drainage and Salinity", edited by V. A. Kovda, C. van den Berg, and Robert M. Hagan. An International Source Book, FAO/UNESCO. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 39(1):p. iv.

Carter, D.L. and Berg, R.D. (1983) A Buried Pipe System for Controlling Erosion and Sediment Loss on Irrigated Land. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 47(4):749-752.

Lentz, R.D. and Carter, D.L. and Haye, S.V. (2018) Changes in groundwater quality and agriculture in forty years on the Twin Falls irrigation tract in southern Idaho. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Society. 73(2):107-119. 15 March 2018.

Robbins, C.W. and Carter, D.L. (1975) Conservation and Use of Sediment in Irrigation Runoff. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 30(3):134-135.

Robbins, C.W. and Carter, D.L. and Leggett, G.E. (1972) Controlling Soil Crusting with Phosphoric Acid to Enhance Seedling Emergence. Agronomy Journal. 64(2):180-183.

Carter, D.L. and Brockway, C.E. and Tanji, K.K. (1993) Controlling erosion and sediment loss from furrow-irrigated cropland. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 119(6):975-988.

Carter, D.L. and Berg, R.D. (1991) Crop sequences and conservation tillage to control irrigation furrow erosion and increase farmer income. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 46(2):139-142.

Smith, J.H. and Carter, D.L. and Brown, M.J. and Douglas, C.L. (1968) Differences in Chemical Composition of Plant Sample Fractions Resulting from Grinding and Screening. Agronomy Journal. 60(2):149-151.

Carter, D.L. and Berg, R.D. and Sanders, B.J. (1985) The Effect of Furrow Irrigation Erosion on Crop Productivity. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 49(1):207-211.

Carter, D.L. and Robbins, C.W. and Brown, M.J. (1972) Effect of Phosphorus Fertilization on the Selenium Concentration in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 36(4):624-628.

Heilman, M.D. and Carter, D.L. and Gonzales, C.L. (1965) The Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether (EGME) Technique for Determining Soil-Surface Area. Soil Science. 100(6):409-413.

Carter, D.L. and Heilman, M.D. and Gonzales, C.L. (1965) Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether for Determining Surface Area of Silicate Minerals. Soil Science. 100(5):356-360.

Lehrsch, G.A. and Sojka, R.E. and Carter, D.L. and Jolley, P.M. (1991) Freezing effects on aggregate stability affected by texture, mineralogy, and organic matter. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 55:1401-1406.

Berg, R.D. and Carter, D.L. (1980) Furrow Erosion and Sediment Losses on Irrigated Cropland. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 35(6):267-270.

Carter, D.L. (1993) Furrow irrigation erosion lowers soil productivity. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 119(6):964-974.

Lentz, R.D. and Sojka, R.E. and Carter, D.L. (1996) Furrow irrigation water-quality effects on soil loss and infiltration. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 60:238-245.

Carter, D.L. (1976) Guidelines for Sediment Control in Irrigation Return Flow. Journal of Environment Quality. 5(2):119-124.

Sojka, R.E. and Carter, D.L. and Brown, M.J. (1992) Imhoff cone determination of sediment in irrigation runoff. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 56(3):884-890.

Wiegand, C.L. and Lyles, L. and Carter, D.L. (1966) Interspersed Salt Affected and Unaffected Dryland Soils of the Lower Rio Grande Valley: II. Occurrence of Salinity in Relation to Infiltration Rates and Profile Characteristics. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 30:106-110.

Carter, D.L. and Wiegand, C.L. (1965) Interspersed Salt-Affected and Unaffected Dryland Soils of the Lower Rio Grande Valley: I. Chemical, Physical, and Mineralogical Characteristics. Soil Science. 99:256-260.

Trout, T.J. and Carter, D.L. and Sojka, R.E. (1994) Irrigation-induced erosion reduces yields and muddies rivers. Irrigation Journal. 44(1):8-12.

Brown, M.J. and Carter, D.L. (1969) Leaching of Added Selenium from Alkaline Soils as Influenced by Sulfate. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 33(4):563-565.

Meek, B.D. and Carter, D.L. and Westermann, D.T. and Wright, J.L. and Peckenpaugh, R.E. (1995) Nitrate leaching under furrow irrigation as affected by crop sequence and tillage. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 59:204-210.

Robbins, C.W. and Carter, D.L. (1980) Nitrate-Nitrogen Leached Below the Root Zone During and Following Alfalfa. Journal of Environment Quality. 9(3):447-450. July 1980.

Carter, D.L. and Brown, M.J. and Robbins, C.W. and Bondurant, J.A. (1974) Phosphorus Associated With Sediments in Irrigation and Drainage Waters for Two Large Tracts in Southern Idaho. Journal of Environment Quality. 3(3):287-291.

Robbins, C.W. and Carter, D.L. and James, D.W. (1973) Potentiometric Titration of Sulfate in Water and Soil Extracts Using a Lead-Mercury Amalgam Indicator Electrode. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 37(2):212-215.

Lentz, R.D. and Shainberg, I. and Sojka, R.E. and Carter, D.L. (1992) Preventing irrigation furrow erosion with small applications of polymers. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 56:1926-1932.

Carter, D.L. and Berg, R.D. and Sanders, B.J. (1991) Producing no-till cereal or corn following alfalfa on furrow-irrigated land. Journal of Production Agriculture. 4(2):174-179.

Myers, V.I. and Carter, D.L. and Rippert, W.J. (1966) Remote Sensing for Estimated Soil Salinity. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division. 92(IR4):59-68.

Meek, B.D. and Carter, D.L. and Westermann, D.T. and Peckenpaugh, R.E. (1994) Root-zone mineral nitrogen changes as affected by crop sequence and tillage. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 58:1464-1469.

Carter, D.L. and Robbins, C.W. (1978) Salt Outflows from New and Old Irrigated Lands. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 42(4):627-632.

Brown, M.J. and Carter, D.L. and Lehrsch, G.A. and Sojka, R.E. (1995) Seasonal trends in furrow irrigation erosion in southern Idaho. Soil Technology. 8:119-126.

Brown, M.J. and Carter, D.L. and Bondurant, J.A. (1974) Sediment in Irrigation and Drainage Waters and Sediment Inputs and Outputs for Two Large Tracts in Southern Idaho. Journal of Environment Quality. 3(4):347-351.

Robbins, C.W. and Carter, D.L. (1983) Selectivity Coefficients for Calcium-Magnesium-Sodium-Potassium Exchange in Eight Soils. Irrigation Science. 4(83):95-102.

Carter, D.L. and Brown, M.J. and Robbins, C.W. (1969) Selenium Concentrations in Alfalfa from Several Sources Applied to a Low Selenium, Alkaline Soil. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 33(5):715-718.

Carter, D.L. and Robbins, C.W. and Brown, M.J. (1970) Selenium Concentrations in Forage on Some High Northwestern Ranges. Journal of Range Management. 23(4):234-238.

Robbins, C.W. and Carter, D.L. (1970) Selenium Concentrations in Phosphorus Fertilizer Materials and Associated Uptake by Plants. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 34(3):506-509.

Carter, D.L. and Brown, M.J. and Allaway, W.H. and Cary, E.E. (1968) Selenium Content of Forage and Hay Crops in the Pacific Northwest. Agronomy Journal. 60(5):532-534.

Kubota, J. and Allaway, W.H. and Carter, D.L. and Cary, E.E. and Lazar, V.A. (1967) Selenium in Crops in the United States in Relation to Selenium-Responsive Diseases of Animals. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 15(3):448-453.

Carter, D.L. and Bondurant, J.A. and Robbins, C.W. (1971) Water Soluble NO3-Nitrogen, PO4-Phosphorus, and Total Salt Balanced on a Large Irrigation Tract. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 35(2):331-335.

Technical Bulletin

Carter, D.L. (1966) A Bibliography of Publications in the Field of Saline and Sodic Soils (though 1964). USDA-ARS No. 41-80. 57 pp.

Carter, D.L. and Berg, R.D. (1985) A Buried Drain Erosion and Sediment Loss Control System. University of Idaho Current Information Series No. 760. University of Idaho College of Agriculture. 4 pp.

Robbins, C.W. and Carter, D.L. and Leggett, G.E. (1972) Controlling Soil Crusting with Phosphoric Acid. University of Idaho Current Information Series No. 187. University of Idaho College of Agriculture. 2 pp.

Carter, D.L. and Kemper, W.D. and Berg, R.D. and Brown, M.J. (1995) Crop Residue Management for Soil Conservation on Irrigated Lands of the Northwest. In: Papendick, R.I. and Moldenhauer, W.C. (eds.) Crop Residue Management to Reduce Erosion and Improve Soil Quality - Northwest. ARS Conservation Research Report No. 40. pp. 37-43.

Lehrsch, G.A. and Sojka, R.E. and Carter, D.L. and Jolley, P.M. (1990) Effects of freezing on aggregate stability of soils differing in texture, mineralogy, and organic matter content. CRREL Special Report No. 90-1. US Army Cold Regions Res. and Engr. Lab, Hanover, NH. pp. 61-69.

Kemper, W.D. and Trout, T.J. and Brown, M.J. and Carter, D.L. and Rosenau, R.C. (1985) Factors Affecting Furrow Erosion. ARS No. 30. pp. 456-459.

Carter, D.L. and Sanders, B.J. and Berg, R.D. (1985) Furrow Erosion Reduces Crop Yields. University of Idaho Current Information Series No. 761. University of Idaho College of Agriculture. 4 pp.

Walker, D.J. and Young, D.L. and Fosbert, M.A. and Busacca, A.J. and Saxton, K.E. and Carter, D.L. and Frazier, B.E. (1987) Long term productivity benefits of soil conservation. In: STEEP--Conservation Concepts and Accomplishments. Washington State University Publication, Pullman, WA. pp. 9-39.

Carter, D.L. and Robbins, C.W. and Bondurant, J.A. (1973) Total Salt, Specific Ion, and Fertilizer Element Concentrations and Balances in the Irrigation and Drainage Waters of the Twin Falls Tract in Southern Idaho. USDA-ARS No. ARS-W-4. 37 pp.

Book Section

Carter, D.L. (1986) Effects of erosion on soil productivity. In: Water Forum '86, World Water. Issues in Evolution, Vol. 2. pp. 1131-1138. American Society of Civil Engineers.

Carter, D.L. and Miller, D.E. (1987) Furrow irrigation erosion and its control. In: STEEP - Conservation Concepts and Accomplishments. pp. 585-591. Washington State Univ., Pullman, Washington.

Carter, D.L. and Kohl, R.A. and Jensen, M.E. (1975) Irrigation of Crops: Drainage Water Quality. In: Lapedes, Daniel N., (ed.) McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology - 1975. pp. 251-253. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.

Carter, D.L. and Brockway, C.E. and Tanji, K.K. (1986) Management practices for erosion and sediment control in irrigated agriculture. In: Forum '86, World Water. Issues in Evolution, Vol. 2. pp. 1147-1154. American Society of Civil Engineers.

Carter, D.L. (1982) Salinity and Plant Productivity. In: Rechcigl Jr, Miloslav, (ed.) CRC Handbook of Agricultural Productivity. CRC Series in Nutrition and Food, Vol. I. pp. 117-133. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.

Carter, D.L. (1992) Soil conservation. In: Parker, S.P., (ed.) McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology. pp. 424-427. McGraw-Hill Inc., New York.

Carter, D.L. (1990) Soil erosion on irrigated lands. In: Stewart, B.A. and Nielsen, D.R., (eds.) Irrigation of Agricultural Lands. Agronomy, No. 30. pp. 1143-1171.

Carter, D.L. and Mortland, M.M. and Kemper, W.D. (1986) Specific Surface. In: Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1. Physical and Mineralogical Methods (2nd Edition). Agronomy Monograph, No. 9. pp. 413-423.

Conference or Workshop Item

Carter, D.L. and Westermann, D.T. and Sojka, R.E. and Meek, B.D. and Wright, J.L. and Brown, M.J. and Lehrsch, G.A. (1995) Controlling nitrate leaching and erosion on irrigated land. pp. 27-30. In: Proc. Clean Water--Clean Environment--21st Century, Team Agriculture--Working to protect Water Resources. Vol. II: Nutrients. USA-MO-Kansas City, 1995/03/05-08. USDA and ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.

Lehrsch, G.A. and Sojka, R.E. and Carter, D.L. and Jolley, P.M. (1990) Effects of freezing on aggregate stability of soils differing in texture, mineralogy, and organic matter content. pp. 61-69. In: Cooley, K.R. (ed.) Proc. Int. Symp. Frozen soil impacts on agricultural range, and forest lands. USA-WA-Spokane, 1990/03/21-22.

Kemper, W.D. and Trout, T.J. and Brown, M.J. and Carter, D.L. and Rosenau, R.C. (1985) Factors Affecting Furrow Erosion. In: Proc. of the Natural Resources Modeling Symposium. USA-CO-Pingree Park, 1983/10/16-21.

Carter, D.L. (1984) Furrow Irrigation Erosion Effects on Crop Production. pp. 39-47. In: Proceedings of the Natl. Symp. on Erosion and Soil Productivity. Erosion and Soil Productivity. USA-LA-New Orleans, 1984/12/10-11.

Carter, D.L. and Miller, D.E. (1986) Furrow Irrigation Erosion and Its Control. pp. 585-591. In: STEEP Symposium. USA-WA-Spokane, 1986/05/20-21.

Carter, D.L. (1980) The Impact of Irrigation on Ground Water Quality. pp. 13-20. In: Proc. 1980 Spec. Conf. Irrigation and Drainage - Today's Challenges. USA-ID-Boise, 1980/07/23-25. ASCE.

Lentz, R.D. and Sojka, R.E. and Carter, D.L. (1994) Influence of irrigation water quality on sediment loss from furrows. pp. 274-278. In: Proc. Conf. Agricultural Research to Protect Water Quality. USA-MN-Minneapolis, 1993/02/21-24.

Lentz, R.D. and Sojka, R.E. and Carter, D.L. (1993) Influence of polymer charge type and density on polyacrylamide ameliorated irrigated furrow erosion. pp. 161-168. In: IECA Proceedings. Preserving Our Environment - The Race Is On. USA-IN-Indianapolis, 1993/02/23-26.

Walker, D.J. and Young, D.L. and Fosberg, M.A. and Busacca, A.J. and Saxton, K.E. and Carter, D.L. and Frazier, B.E. (1986) Long Term Productivity Benefits of Soil Conservation. pp. 9-39. In: STEEP Symposium. USA-WA-Spokane, 1986/05/20-21.

Carter, D.L. and Bondurant, J.A. (1977) Management Guidelines for Controlling Sediments, Nutrients, and Adsorbed Biocides in Surface Irrigation Return Flows. pp. 143-152. In: Proc. EPA Natl. Conf. Irrig. Return Flow Qual. Manage. USA-CO-Fort Collins, 1977/05/16-19.

Myers, Victor I. and Carter, D.L. and Rippert, W.J. (1966) Photogrammetry and Temperature Sensing for Estimating Soil Salinity. pp. 19.39-19.49. In: 6th Congr. Int. Comm. Irrig. and Drain. 1966.

Carter, D.L. and Brown, M.J. and Bondurant, J.A. (1976) Sediment-Phosphorus Relations in Surface Runoff from Irrigated Lands. pp. 3/41-3/52. In: Proc. 3rd Fed. Inter-Agency Sedimentation Conf. USA-CO-Denver, 1976.

Carter, D.L. and Robbins, C.W. and Bondurant, J.A. (1970) The Water Soluble Nitrogen and Phosphorus Balance for a Large Irrigation District. pp. 49-56. In: Proc. 21st Ann. Pac. NW Fert. Conf. 1970/07/14-16. Pac. NW Plant Food Assn.


Bresler, E. and McNeal, B.L. and Carter, D.L., eds. (1982) Saline and Sodic Soils (Principles - Dynamics - Modeling). 236 pp. Springer-Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York.

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