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Items where Year is 1975

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Number of items: 41.


Bowers, S.A. and Smith, S.J. and Fisher, H.D. and Miller, G.E. (1975) Soil Water Measurement with an Inexpensive Spectrophotometer. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 39(3):391-393.

Burman, R.D. and Wright, J.L. and Jensen, M.E. (1975) Changes in Climate and Potential Evapotranspiration Across a Large Irrigated Area in Idaho. Transaction of the ASAE. 18(6):1089-1093.

Carter, D.L. (1975) BOOK REVIEW: "Irrigation, Drainage and Salinity", edited by V. A. Kovda, C. van den Berg, and Robert M. Hagan. An International Source Book, FAO/UNESCO. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 39(1):p. iv.

Carter, J.N. and Jensen, M.E. and Bosma, S.M. (1975) Effect of Row Spacing and Nitrogen Rate on Root and Sucrose Yield of Sugarbeets in Southern Idaho. Journal of the American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists. 18(3):274-279.

Carter, J.N. and Pair, C.H. and Westermann, D.T. (1975) Effect of Irrigation Method and Late Season Nitrate-Nitrogen Concentration on Sucrose Production by Sugarbeets. Journal of the American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists. 18(4):332-342.

Carter, J.N. and Westermann, D.T. and Jensen, M.E. and Bosma, S.M. (1975) Predicting Nitrogen Fertilizer Needs for Sugarbeets from Residual Nitrate and Mineralizable Nitrogen. Journal of the American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists. 18(3):232-244.

Cary, J.W. (1975) Factors Affecting Cold Injury of Sugarbeet Seedlings (Beta vulgaris L.). Agronomy Journal. 67(2):258-262.

Cary, J.W. (1975) Here's How Frost Damages Seedlings. Crops and Soils Magazine. 27(4):16-19.

Cary, J.W. (1975) Soil Water Hysteresis: Temperature and Pressure Effects. Soil Science. 120(4):308-311.

Fisher, H.D. and Smith, J.H. (1975) An Automatic System for Sampling Processing Waste Water. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 39(2):382-384.

Follett, R.F. and Power, J.F. and Grunes, D.L. and Hewes, D.A. and Mayland, H.F. (1975) Potential Tetany Hazard of N-Fertilized Bromegrass as Indicated by Chemical Composition. Agronomy Journal. 67:819-824.

Hayden, C.W. and Robbins, C.W. (1975) Mechanical Snake River Undisturbed Soil Core Sampler. Soil Science. 120(2):153-155.

Humpherys, A.S. (1975) Research Seeks Answers to Runoff Losses. Irrigation Age. 10(1):17.

Humpherys, Allan S. (1975) Automatic Farm Irrigation. Irrigation Age. 9(4):55-56.

Humpherys, Allan S. (1975) A New Technique for Conserving Water. Irrigation Age. 9(7):p. 24,28.

Humpherys, Allan S. and Stacey, Robert L. (1975) Automated Valves for Surface Irrigation Pipelines. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division. 101(IR2):95-109.

Massee, T.W. (1975) Convenient Estimation of Soil Organic-N Using the Udy Dye System. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 6(2):195-203.

Mayland, H.F. and Florence, Arlene and Rosenau, R.C. and Lazar, V.A. (1975) Soil Ingestion by Cattle on Semiarid Range as Reflected by Titanium Analysis of Feces. Journal of Range Management. 28(6):448-452.

Mayland, H.F. and Grunes, D.L. and Waggoner, H. and Florence, A. and Hewes, D.A. and Joo, P.K. (1975) Nitrogen Efects on Crested Wheatgrass as Related to Forage Quality Indices of Grass Tetany. Agronomy Journal. 67(3):411-414.

Robbins, C.W. and Carter, D.L. (1975) Conservation and Use of Sediment in Irrigation Runoff. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 30(3):134-135.

Westermann, D.T. (1975) Indexes of Sulfur Deficiency in Alfalfa. II. Plant Analyses. Agronomy Journal. 67(2):265-268.

Technical Bulletin

Cary, J.W. and Kohl, R.A. and Westermann, D.T. and Rickman, R.W. (1975) Row Cropping Sandy Soils Under Sprinklers Using a Winter Grain Cover to Control Wind Erosion. Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 549. University of Idaho College of Agriculture. 14 pp.

Dennis, R.E. and Edmond, C.W. and Robbins, C.W. (1975) Use of Amendments to Reduce Water Requirements for Stand Establishment of Small-Seeded Crops. OWRR Project Completion Report No. A-034-Ariz. Univ. of Ariz., Tucson. 14 pp.

Grunes, D.L. and Mayland, H.F. (1975) Controlling Grass Tetany. USDA Leaflet No. 561.

Jensen, Marvin E. (1975) Scientific Irrigation Scheduling for Salinity Control of Irrigation Return Flows. EPA Report (Technology Series) No. EPA-600/2-75-064. 92 pp.

Massee, T.W. and Rosenau, R.C. and Case, C.W. and Painter, C.G. (1975) Cropping and Fertilizing Wheat and Barley in the Camas Prairie - Fairfield Area. University of Idaho Current Information Series No. 278. University of Idaho College of Agriculture. 2 pp.

Pair, Claude H. and Larsen, Dorrell C. and Kohl, Robert A. (1975) Solid Set Sprinkler Systems. University of Idaho Current Information Series No. 272. University of Idaho College of Agriculture. 4 pp.

Book Section

Carter, D.L. and Kohl, R.A. and Jensen, M.E. (1975) Irrigation of Crops: Drainage Water Quality. In: Lapedes, Daniel N., (ed.) McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology - 1975. pp. 251-253. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.

Carter, David L. (1975) Problems of Salinity in Agriculture (Chapter II). In: Poljakoff-Mayber, A. and Gale, J., (eds.) Plants in Saline Environment. Ecological Studies. Analysis and Synthesis, Vol. 15. pp. 25-35. Springer-Verlag, Germany.

Kohl, R.A. (1975) Chapter 21: Metric Conversion. In: Pair, Claude H., (ed.) Sprinkler Irrigation (4th Edition). pp. 521-528. Sprinkler Irrigation Assn., Silver Spring, Md.

Mayland, H.F. and Grunes, D.L. (1975) Forage Crops: Grass Tetany. In: Lapedes, Daniel N., (ed.) McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology - 1975. pp. 206-207. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.

Smith, J.H. (1975) Sprinkler Irrigation of Potato Processing Waste for Treatment and Disposal on Land. In: Waste-water Resource Manual. pp. 2C2/21-2C2/29. Sprinkler Irrigation Assn., Silver Spring, Md.

Conference or Workshop Item

Bondurant, J.A. and Brockway, C.E. and Brown, M.J. (1975) Some Aspects of Sedimentation Pond Design. pp. C/35-C/41. In: Haan, C.T. (ed.) Proc. Natl. Symp. Urban Hydrology and Sediment Control. USA-KY-Lexington (University of Kentucky), 1975/07/28-31.

Burman, R.D. and Wright, J.L. and Marwitz, J.D. (1975) Climate Modification of Dry Desert Air by a Large Irrigation Project. pp. 33-34. In: Proc. 12th Agric. & Forest Meteorol. Conf. USA-AZ-Tucson, 1975/04/14-16.

Leggett, G.E. and Westermann, D.T. and LeBaron, M.J. (1975) A Survey of the Nutrient Status of Beans Grown in Southern Idaho. pp. 131-138. In: Proc. 26th Pac. NW Fert. Conf. USA-UT-Salt Lake City, 1975/07/15-17.

Lord Jr, J.M. and Jensen, M.E. (1975) Irrigation Scheduling for Optimum Water Management. pp. 32.1.705-32.1.733. In: Irrigation Scheduling for Optimum Water Management. 9th Int. Congr. Irrig. Drain. USSR-Moscow, 1975.

Nielson, Glen L. and Smith, Jay H. (1975) Using Wastes to Replace Scarce Materials. pp. 158-160. In: Proc. 30th Ann. Mtg. SCSA, "Land Use: Food and Living". USA-TX-San Antonio, 1975/08/10-13.

Pair, Claude H. (1975) Application Rates and Uniformity of Application from Mechanical-Move Sprinkler Systems. pp. 71-82. In: Proc. 1975 Sprinkler Irrig. Tech. Conf. USA-GA-Atlanta, 1975/02/23-25.

Smith, J.H. and Robbins, C.W. and Hayden, C.W. (1975) Plant Nutrients in Potato Processing Waste Water Used for Irrigation. pp. 159-165. In: Proc. 26th Pac. NW Fert. Conf. USA-UT-Salt Lake City, 1975/07/15-17.

Westermann, D.T. and Carter, J.N. (1975) Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization of Sugarbeets. pp. 125-129. In: Proc. 26th Pac. NW Fert. Conf. USA-UT-Salt Lake City, 1975/07/15-17.


Pair, Claude H. and Hinz, Walter W. and Reid, Crawford and Frost, Kenneth R., eds. (1975) Sprinkler Irrigation (4th Edition). 615 pp. Sprinkler Irrigation Assn., Silver Spring, Maryland.

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