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Items where Subject is "Erosion"

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Number of items at this level: 68.


Bjorneberg, D.L. and Ippolito, J.A. and King, B.A. and Nouwakpo, S.K. and Koehn, A.C. (2020) Moving toward sustainable irrigation in a southern Idaho irrigation project. Transactions of the ASABE. 63(5):1441-1449. 23 October 2020.


Ippolito, J.A. and Bjorneberg, D.L. and Stott, D.E. and Karlen, D.L. (2017) Soil quality improvement through conversion to sprinkler irrigation. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 81:1505-1516.


King, B.A. and Bjorneberg, D.L. (2011) Evaluation of Potential Runoff and Erosion of Four Center Pivot Irrigation Sprinklers. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 10 February 2011. pp. 75-85.


Bjorneberg, D.L. and Sojka, R.E. (2008) Effects of a new polysaccharide-based amendment on furrow irrigation infiltration and erosion. Transaction of the ASAE. 51(2):529-534. 1 March 2008.


Bjorneberg, D.L. and Westermann, D.T. and Nelson, N.O. (2007) Sprinkler and surface irrigation effects on return flow water quality and quantity. pp. 89-95. In: McFarland, A. and Saleh, A. (eds.) Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Watershed Management to Meet Water Quality and TMDLs (Total Maximum Daily Load) Issues: Solutions and Impediments to Watershed Management and TMDLs. USA-TX-San Antonio, 2007/03/10-14.

King, B.A. and Bjorneberg, D.L. (2007) Center pivot simulator for evaluating system design and management effects on infiltration and erosion. pp. 166-175. In: Proceedings of 28th Annual Irrigation Show. USA-CA-San Diego, 2007/12/09-11.

Sojka, R.E. and Bjorneberg, D.L. and Strelkoff, T. (2007) Irrigation-induced erosion. In: Agronomy Monograph, No. 30. pp. 237-275. American Society of Agronomy.

Sojka, R.E. and Bjorneberg, D.L. and Trout, T.J. and Strelkoff, T.S. and Nearing, M.A. (2007) The importance and challenge of modeling irrigation-induced erosion. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 62(3):153-162.


Lehrsch, G.A. and Bjorneberg, D.L. and Sojka, R.E. (2005) Erosion: Irrigation-induced. In: Hillel, D., (ed.) Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment. pp. 456-463. Elsevier, Ltd, Oxford, U.K.

Sojka, R.E. and Entry, J.A. and Orts, W.J. and Morishita, D.W. and Ross, C.W. and Horne, D.J. (2005) Synthetic- and bio-polymer use for runoff water quality management in irrigation agriculture. Water Science & Technology. 51(3-4):107-115.


Sojka, R.E. and Entry, J.A. and Orts, W.J. and Morishita, D.W. and Ross, C.W. and Horne, D.J. (2003) Synthetic- and Bio-polymer use for runoff water quality management in irrigated agriculture. pp. 3/130-3/136. In: Bruen, M. (ed.) Proceedings of the 7th International Specialised Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Basin Management and 36th Scientific Meeting of the Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA). Ireland-Dublin, 2003/08/17-22.


Bjorneberg, D.L. and Sojka, R.E. (2002) Irrigation erosion. In: Lal, R., (ed.) Encyclopedia of Soil Science (1st Edition). pp. 742-744. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.

Bjorneberg, D.L. and Sojka, R.E. and Aase, J.K. (2002) Pre-wetting effect on furrow irrigation erosion: A field study. Transactions of the ASAE. 45(3):717-722.

Bjorneberg, D.L. and Trout, T.J. (2002) Evaluating WEPP predicted on-field furrow irrigation erosion. pp. 693-698. In: Stott, D.E. and Mohtar, R.H. and Steinhardt, G.C. (eds.) Proc. 10th International Soil Conservation Organization Meeting. Sustaining the Global Farm (2001). USA-IN-West Lafayette (Purdue University / USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Research Lab), 1999/05/24-29.

Kincaid, D.C. (2002) The WEPP model for runoff and erosion prediction under sprinkler irrigation. Transactions of the ASAE. 45(1):67-72.

Orts, William J. and Sojka, Robert E. and Glenn, Gregory M. (2002) Polymer additives in irrigation water to reduce erosion and better manage water infiltration. Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech. 13(4):37-41.

Sojka, R.E. and Bjorneberg, D.L. (2002) Erosion, controlling irrigation-induced. In: Lal, R., (ed.) Encyclopedia of Soil Science (1st Edition). pp. 411-414. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.

Strelkoff, Theodor S. and Bjorneberg, David L. (2002) Hydraulic modeling of irrigation-induced furrow erosion. pp. 699-705. In: Stott, D.E. and Mohtar, R.H. and Steinhardt, G.C. (eds.) Proc. 10th International Soil Conservation Organization Meeting. Sustaining the Global Farm (2001). USA-IN-West Lafayette (Purdue University / USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Research Lab), 1999/05/24-29.


Bjorneberg, D.L. (2001) Evaluating WEPP-predicted furrow irrigation erosion. pp. 673-676. In: Ascough II, J.C. and Flanagan, D.C. (eds.) Proc. Int. Symp. Soil erosion research for the 21st Century. USA-HI-Honolulu, 2001/01/03-05. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.

Bjorneberg, Dave (2001) Fighting erosion in furrow irrigation. Irrigation Journal. 51(1):8-11.

Kincaid, D.C. and Lehrsch, G.A. (2001) The WEPP model for runoff and erosion prediction under center pivot irrigation. pp. 115-118. In: Ascough II, J.C. and Flanagan, D.C. (eds.) Proc. Int. Symp. Soil erosion research for the 21st Century. USA-HI-Honolulu, 2001/01/03-05. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.

Lehrsch, Gary A. and Sojka, R.E. and Westermann, D.T. (2001) Furrow irrigation and N management strategies to protect water quality. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 32(7&8):1029-1050.

Orts, W.J. and Sojka, R.E. and Glenn, G.M. and Gross, R.A. (2001) Biopolymer additives for the reduction of soil erosion losses during irrigation. pp. 102-116. In: Gross, R.A. and Scholz, C. (eds.) Biopolymers from Polysaccharides and Agroproteins. ACS Symposium 786. American Chemical Society. USA-DC-Washington, 2001.


Bjorneberg, D.L. and Kincaid, D.C. and Lentz, R.D. and Sojka, R.E. and Trout, T.J. (2000) Unique aspects of modeling irrigation-induced soil erosion. International Journal of Sediment Research. 15(2):245-252.

Lentz, R.D. and Sojka, R.E. (2000) Applying polymers to irrigation water: evaluating strategies for furrow erosion control. Transactions of the ASAE. 43(6):1561-1568.

Orts, William J. and Sojka, Robert E. and Glenn, Gregory M. (2000) Biopolymer additives to reduce erosion-induced soil losses during irrigation. Industrial Crops and Products. 11:19-29.


Bjorneberg, D.L. and Trout, T.J. and Sojka, R.E. and Aase, J.K. (1999) Evaluating WEPP-predicted infiltration, runoff, and soil erosion for furrow irrigation. Transactions of the ASAE. 42(6):1733-1741.


Bjorneberg, D.L. and Aase, J.K. and Trout, T.J. (1997) WEPP model erosion evaluation under furrow irrigation. In: American Society of Agricultural Engr. 1997 Annual Intl. Meeting. USA-MN-Minneapolis, 1997/08/10-14.

Sojka, R.E. (1997) Research contribution to the understanding and management of irrigation-induced erosion. In: Pierce, F.J. and Frye, W.W., (eds.) Fifty Years of Soil and Water Conservation in the United States. Soil and Water Conserv. Soc. Amer. Ankeny, IA. Available:


Lentz, Rick and Sojka, Bob (1996) Irrigation water quality alters furrow erosion and infiltration. Irrigation Journal. 46(6):12-14.

Sojka, R.E. (1996) Management options for control of irrigation-induced erosion. Proceedings of the Winter Commodity Schools. 28:95-103.

Trout, T.J. (1996) Furrow irrigation erosion and sedimentation: On-field distribution. Transactions of the ASAE. 39(5):1717-1723.


Brown, M.J. and Carter, D.L. and Lehrsch, G.A. and Sojka, R.E. (1995) Seasonal trends in furrow irrigation erosion in southern Idaho. Soil Technology. 8:119-126.

Carter, D.L. and Westermann, D.T. and Sojka, R.E. and Meek, B.D. and Wright, J.L. and Brown, M.J. and Lehrsch, G.A. (1995) Controlling nitrate leaching and erosion on irrigated land. pp. 27-30. In: Proc. Clean Water--Clean Environment--21st Century, Team Agriculture--Working to protect Water Resources. Vol. II: Nutrients. USA-MO-Kansas City, 1995/03/05-08. USDA and ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.

Lehrsch, G.A. and Brown, M.J. (1995) Furrow erosion and aggregate stability variation in a Portneuf silt loam. Soil Technology. 7:327-341.


Lentz, R.D. and Sojka, R.E. and Carter, D.L. (1994) Influence of irrigation water quality on sediment loss from furrows. pp. 274-278. In: Proc. Conf. Agricultural Research to Protect Water Quality. USA-MN-Minneapolis, 1993/02/21-24.

Sojka, R.E. and Lentz, R.D. (1994) Improving water quality of return flows in furrow-irrigated systems using polymer-amended inflows. pp. 395-397. In: Proceedings Vol. I SWCS Conference on Agricultural Research to Protect Water Quality. USA-MN-Minneapolis, 1993/02/21-24.

Sojka, R.E. and Lentz, R.D. and Foerster, J.A. (1994) Software utilizing Imhoff cone volumes to estimate furrow-irrigation erosion. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 49(4):400-406.

Trout, T.J. and Carter, D.L. and Sojka, R.E. (1994) Irrigation-induced erosion reduces yields and muddies rivers. Irrigation Journal. 44(1):8-12.


Carter, D.L. (1993) Furrow irrigation erosion lowers soil productivity. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 119(6):964-974.

Carter, D.L. and Brockway, C.E. and Tanji, K.K. (1993) Controlling erosion and sediment loss from furrow-irrigated cropland. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 119(6):975-988.

Koluvek, Paul K. and Tanji, Kenneth K. and Trout, Thomas J. (1993) Overview of soil erosion from irrigation. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 119(6):929-946.

Sojka, R.E. and Westermann, D.T. and Brown, M.J. and Meek, B.D. (1993) Zone-subsoiling effects on infiltration, runoff, erosion, and yields of furrow-irrigated potatoes. Soil & Tillage Research. 25:351-368.

Trout, Thomas J. and Neibling, W.H. (1993) Erosion and sedimentation processes on irrigated fields. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 119(6):947-963.


Lentz, R.D. and Shainberg, I. and Sojka, R.E. and Carter, D.L. (1992) Preventing irrigation furrow erosion with small applications of polymers. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 56:1926-1932.

Sojka, R.E. and Brown, M.J. and Kennedy-Ketcheson, E.C. (1992) Reducing erosion from surface irrigation by furrow spacing and plant position. Agronomy Journal. 84:668-675.


Brown, M.J. and Sojka, R.E. (1991) Reducing erosion and sediment loss from furrow irrigated slopes. pp. 316-323. In: Proc. Intl. Erosion Control Assoc. Erosion Control: A global perspective. USA-FL-Orlando, 1991/02/20-22. Intl Erosion Control Assoc., P.O. Box 4904, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477.

Carter, D.L. and Berg, R.D. (1991) Crop sequences and conservation tillage to control irrigation furrow erosion and increase farmer income. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 46(2):139-142.

Sojka, R.E. and Kennedy-Ketcheson, E.C. and Brown, M.J. and Westermann, D.T. (1991) Erosion and infiltration of furrow irrigated potato fields as affected by zone subsoiling. pp. 301-315. In: Proc. Intl. Erosion Control Assoc. Erosion Control:A global perspective. USA-FL-Orlando, 1991/02/20-22. Intl Erosion Control Assoc., P.O. Box 4904, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477.


Carter, D.L. (1990) Soil erosion on irrigated lands. In: Stewart, B.A. and Nielsen, D.R., (eds.) Irrigation of Agricultural Lands. Agronomy, No. 30. pp. 1143-1171.


Brown, M.J. and Kemper, W.D. and Trout, T.J. and Humpherys, A.S. (1988) Sediment, erosion and water intake in furrows. Irrigation Science. 9:45-55.


Carter, D.L. and Miller, D.E. (1987) Furrow irrigation erosion and its control. In: STEEP - Conservation Concepts and Accomplishments. pp. 585-591. Washington State Univ., Pullman, Washington.


Carter, D.L. and Brockway, C.E. and Tanji, K.K. (1986) Management practices for erosion and sediment control in irrigated agriculture. In: Forum '86, World Water. Issues in Evolution, Vol. 2. pp. 1147-1154. American Society of Civil Engineers.

Carter, D.L. and Miller, D.E. (1986) Furrow Irrigation Erosion and Its Control. pp. 585-591. In: STEEP Symposium. USA-WA-Spokane, 1986/05/20-21.

Cary, J.W. (1986) Irrigating Row Crops from Sod Furrows to Reduce Erosion. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 50(5):1299-1302.


Brown, Melvin J. (1985) Within-furrow Erosion and Deposition of Sediment and Phosphorus. In: El-Swaify, S.A. and Moldenhauer, W.C. and Low, Andrew, (eds.) Soil Erosion and Conservation. pp. 113-118. Soil Cons. Soc. Amer., Ankeny, Iowa.

Carter, D.L. and Berg, R.D. (1985) A Buried Drain Erosion and Sediment Loss Control System. University of Idaho Current Information Series No. 760. University of Idaho College of Agriculture. 4 pp.

Carter, D.L. and Berg, R.D. and Sanders, B.J. (1985) The Effect of Furrow Irrigation Erosion on Crop Productivity. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 49(1):207-211.

Carter, D.L. and Sanders, B.J. and Berg, R.D. (1985) Furrow Erosion Reduces Crop Yields. University of Idaho Current Information Series No. 761. University of Idaho College of Agriculture. 4 pp.

Carter, David L. (1985) Controlling erosion and sediment loss on furrow-irrigated land. In: El-Swaify, S.A. and Moldenhauer, W.C. and Low, Andrew, (eds.) Soil Erosion and Conservation. pp. 355-364. Soil Cons. Soc. Amer., Ankeny, Iowa.

Kemper, W.D. and Trout, T.J. and Brown, M.J. and Carter, D.L. and Rosenau, R.C. (1985) Factors Affecting Furrow Erosion. ARS No. 30. pp. 456-459.

Kemper, W.D. and Trout, T.J. and Brown, M.J. and Carter, D.L. and Rosenau, R.C. (1985) Factors Affecting Furrow Erosion. In: Proc. of the Natural Resources Modeling Symposium. USA-CO-Pingree Park, 1983/10/16-21.

Kemper, W.D. and Trout, T.J. and Brown, M.J. and Rosenau, R.C. (1985) Furrow Erosion and Water and Soil Management. Transaction of the ASAE. 28(5):1564-1572.


Carter, D.L. (1984) Furrow Irrigation Erosion Effects on Crop Production. pp. 39-47. In: Proceedings of the Natl. Symp. on Erosion and Soil Productivity. Erosion and Soil Productivity. USA-LA-New Orleans, 1984/12/10-11.


Carter, D.L. and Berg, R.D. (1983) A Buried Pipe System for Controlling Erosion and Sediment Loss on Irrigated Land. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 47(4):749-752.


Everts, Christopher J. and Carter, David L. (1981) Furrow Erosion and Topsoil Losses. University of Idaho Current Information Series No. 586. University of Idaho College of Agriculture. 4 pp.


Berg, R.D. and Carter, D.L. (1980) Furrow Erosion and Sediment Losses on Irrigated Cropland. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 35(6):267-270.


Bondurant, J.A. (1977) Erosion and Sedimentation on Irrigated Lands. pp. 146-151. In: Proc. Natl. Symp. on Erosion and Sedimentation by Water, ASAE Conf. 1977/12.

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