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Items where Year is 2008

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Number of items: 46.

Barbarack, K.A. and Ippolito, J.A. (2008) Predicting soil-extractable Zn, P, Fe, and Cu in a biosolids-amended dryland wheat agroecosystem. Soil Science. 173:175-185. 1 March 2008.

Barbarack, K.A. and Ippolito, J.A. and Gourd, T. and McDaniel, J.P. (2008) Application of anaerobically digested biosolids to dryland winter wheat: 2006-2007 results. Colorado State University Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report.

Barbarack, K.A. and Ippolito, J.A. and Gourd, T. and McDaniel, J.P. (2008) Biosolids application to no-till dryland and crop rotations: 2006 results. Colorado State University Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report.

Bayley, R.M. and Ippolito, J.A. and Stromberger, M.E. and Barbarack, K.A. and Paschke, M.W. (2008) Water treatment residuals and biosolids co-applications affect phosphates in a semi-arid rangeland soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 39:2812-2826.

Bayley, R.M. and Ippolito, J.A. and Stromberger, M.E. and Barbarack, K.A. and Paschke, M.W. (2008) Water treatment residuals and biosolids coapplications affect semiarid rangeland phosphorus cycling. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 72(3):711-719. 1 May 2008.

Bjorneberg, D.L. and Sojka, R.E. (2008) Effects of a new polysaccharide-based amendment on furrow irrigation infiltration and erosion. Transaction of the ASAE. 51(2):529-534. 1 March 2008.

Bjorneberg, D.L. and Westermann, D.T. and Nelson, N.O. and Kendrick, J.H. (2008) Conservation practice effectiveness in the irrigated Upper Snake/Rock Creek watershed. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 63(6):487-495.

Davis, N. and Meiman, P. and Brummer, J. and Ippolito, J.A. (2008) Revegetation of Fluvial Mine Tailing Deposits: The Use of Five Riparian Shrub Species. pp. 135-154. High Altitude Revegetation Conference Proceedings, March 5-6, 2008, Fort Collins, Colorado.

Dungan, R.S. (2008) The characterization of trace metals and organics in spent foundry sands over a one-year period. Journal of Residuals Science and Technology. 5(3):111-125.

Entry, J.A. and Mills, D.K. and Mathee, K. and Jayachandran, K. and Sojka, R.E. and Narasimhan, Giri (2008) Influence of irrigated agriculture on soil microbial diversity. Applied Soil Ecology. 40:146-154. 24 July 2008.

Entry, J.A. and Sojka, R.E. (2008) Matrix based fertilizers reduce nitrogen and phosphorus leaching in three soils. Journal of Environmental Management. 87:364-372. Elsevier. Available:

Entry, J.A. and Sojka, R.E. and Hicks, B.J. (2008) Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios can estimate anionic polyacrylamide degradation in soil. Geoderma. 145:8-16.

Freeman, C.L. and Ippolito, J.A. and Stromberger, M.E. and Barbarack, K.A. and Redente, E.F. (2008) BIOSOLIDS USE FOR RECLAIMING FLUVIAL MINE TAILINGS. pp. 417-437. In: High Altitude Revegetation Conference Proceedings. Ft. Collins, CO, March 5-6, 2008.

Ippolito, J.A. and Barbarack, K.A. (2008) Fate of biosolids trace metals in a dryland wheat agroecosystem. Journal of Environmental Quality. 37:2135-2144.

King, B.A. and Bjorneberg, D.L. (2008) Potential runoff and erosion comparison of center pivot sprinklers on three Idaho soils. Proceedings of the 2008 International Irrigation Show, November 2-4, 2008, Anaheim, California. pp. 1-12.

Kyaw, T. and Ferguson, R.B. and Adamchuk, V.I. and Marx, D.B. and Tarkalson, D.D. and McCallister, D.L. (2008) Delinearing site-specific management zones for pH-induced iron chlorosis. Precision Agriculture. 9:71-84.

Lehrsch, G. and Sojka, R. and Westermann, D. (2008) Nitrogen placement, row spacing, and water management for furrow-irrigated field corn. pp. 42-48. In: Moore, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the Idaho Nutrient Management Conference. Vol. 4. USA-ID-Jerome, 2008/03/04.

Lehrsch, G.A. and Robbins, C.W. and Brown, M.J. (2008) Whey utilization in furrow irrigation: Effects on aggregate stability and erosion. Bioresource Technology. 99(17):8458-8463.

Lentz, R.D. and Andrawes, F.F. and Barvenik, F.W. and Koehn, A.C. (2008) Acrylamide monomer leaching from polyacrylamide-treated irrigation furrows. Journal of Environmental Quality. 37:2293-2298.

Lentz, R.D. and Kincaid, D.C. (2008) Polyacrylamide treatments for reducing seepage in soil-lined reservoirs: A field evaluation. Transactions of the ASAE. 51(2):535-544. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. ISSN 0001-2351

Leytem, A.B. and Kwanyuen, P. and Plumstead, P.W. and Maguire, R.O. and Brake, J. (2008) Evaluation of phosphorus characterization in broiler ileal digesta, manure, and litter samples: 31P-NMR vs. HPLC. Journal of Environmental Quality. 37:494-500. 1 March 2008. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI.

Leytem, A.B. and Kwanyuen, P. and Thacker, P.A. (2008) Nutrient excretion, phosphorus characterization, and phosphorus solubility in excreta from broiler checks fed diets containing graded levels of wheat distillers grains with solubles. Poultry Science. 87(12):2505-2511.

Leytem, A.B. and Plumstead, P.W. and Maguire, R.O. and Kwanyuen, P. and Burton, J.W. and Brake, J. (2008) Interaction of calcium and phytate in broiler diets: 2. Effects on total and soluble phosphorus excretion. Poultry Science. 87:459-467.

Leytem, A.B. and Thacker, P.A. (2008) Fecal phosphorus excretion and characterization from swine fed diets containing a variety of cereal grains. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 7(2):113-120. Medwell Journals. ISSN 1680-5593

Leytem, A.B. and Widyaratne, G.P. and Thacker, P.A. (2008) Phosphorus utilization and characterization of ileal digesta and excreta from broiler chickens fed diets varying in cereal grain, phosphorus level, and phytase addition. Poultry Science. 87(12):2466-2476.

Leytem, A.B. and Willing, B.P. and Thacker, P.A. (2008) Phytate utilization and phosphorus excretion by broiler chickens fed diets containing cereal grains varying in phytate and phytase content. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 146:160-168.

Moore, Amber and Ippolito, J.A. (2008) Copper sulfate foot baths on dairies and crop toxicities – What are the risks? Nutrient Digest, Nutrient Management Newsletter for Idaho, Vol. 1 No. 2. University of Idaho Extension. pp. 1-5.

Payero, J.O. and Tarkalson, D.D. and Irmak, S. and Davison, D. and Petersen, J.L. (2008) Effect of irrigation amounts applied with subsurface drip irrigation on corn evapotranspiration, yield, water use efficiency, and dry matter production in a semiarid climate. Agricultural Water Management. 95:895-908. 1 August 2008.

Plumstead, P.W. and Leytem, A.B. and Maguire, R.O. and Spears, J.W. and Kwanyuen, P. and Brake, J. (2008) Interaction of calcium and phytate in broiler diets: 1. Effects on apparent prececal digestibility and retention of phosphorus. Poultry Science. 87:449-458.

Rahman, M.H. and Okubo, A. and Sugiyama, S. and Mayland, H.F. (2008) Physical, chemical and microbiological properties of an Andisol as related to land use and tillage practice. Soil and Tillage Research. 101(1-2):10-19.

Shewmaker, G.E. and Johnson, D.A. and Mayland, H.F. (2008) Mg and K effects on cation uptake and dry matter accumulation in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea). Plant Soil. 302:283-295.

Shewmaker, G.E. and Mayland, H.F. and Roberts, C.A. (2008) Varietal differences in rate of carbohydrate accumulation for tall fescue. p. 681. In: Proceedings of the XXI International Grassland Congress and VIII International Rangeland Congress. Vol. II. China-Inner Mongolia-Hohhot, 2008/06/29-07/05. Guandong People’s Publishing House, Guangzhou, Peoples Republic of China.

Strausbaugh, C.A. and Eujayl, I.A. (2008) Influence of rhizomania on sugarbeet storability. The Sugarbeet. Spring:8.

Strausbaugh, C.A. and Eujayl, Imad A. and Foote, P. (2008) Transgenic sugar beet cultivars evaluated for resistance to bacterial root rot in Idaho, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports. 2:FC108. 21 July 2008.

Strausbaugh, C.A. and Eujayl, Imad A. and Lewellen, R.T. (2008) Sugar beet germplasm evaluated for resistance to rhizomania and storability in Idaho, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports. 2:p. FC105. 20 July 2008.

Strausbaugh, C.A. and Eujayl, Imad A. and Rearick, E. and Foote, P. (2008) Sugar beet cultivars evaluated for storability in Idaho during the 2006/2007 storage season. Plant Disease Management Reports. 2:FC022. 3 April 2008.

Strausbaugh, C.A. and Eujayl, Imad A. and Rearick, E. and Foote, P. (2008) Transgenic sugar beet cultivars evaluated for rhizomania resistance and storability in Idaho, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports. 2:FC106. 21 July 2008.

Strausbaugh, C.A. and Gillen, A.M. (2008) Bacteria and yeast associated with sugar beet root rot at harvest in the Intermountain West. Plant Disease. 92:357-363.

Strausbaugh, C.A. and Rearick, E. and Camp, S. (2008) Influence of curly top and Poncho Beta on sugar beet storability. Journal of Sugarbeet Research. 45(1-2):31-47. February 2008.

Strausbaugh, C.A. and Rearick, E. and Camp, S. and Gallian, J.J. and Dyer, A.T. (2008) Influence of beet necrotic yellow vein virus on sugar beet storability. Plant Disease. 92:581-587. March 2008.

Strausbaugh, C.A. and Wintermantel, W.M. and Gillen, A.M. and Eujayl, Imad A. (2008) Curly top survey in the Western United States. Phytopathology. 99(11):1212-1217. November 2008.

Tarkalson, D.D. and Bjorneberg, D.L. (2008) Evaluation of strip-tillage and fertilizer placement in Southern Idaho corn production. pp. 36-41. In: Idaho Nutrient Management Conference. USA-ID-Jerome, 2008/03/04. Proceedings of the Idaho Nutrient Management Conference.

Tarkalson, D.D. and Brown, B. and Kok, H. and Bjorneberg, D.L. (2008) Irrigation small grain residue management effects on soil properties. pp. 30-35. USA-ID-Jerome, 2008/03/04. Proceedings of the Idaho Nutrient Management Conference.

Tarkalson, D.D. and Kachman, S.D. and Knops, J.M.N. and Thies, J.E. and Wortmann, C.S. (2008) Decomposition of Bt and non-Bt corn hybrid residues in the field. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 80:211-222. Springer Science+Business Media B.V.

Tarkalson, D.D. and Payero, J.O. (2008) Comparison of nitrogen fertilization methods and rates for subsurface drip irrigated corn in the semi-arid Great Plains. Transactions of the ASABE. 51(5):1633-1643.

Teran, H. and Strausbaugh, C.A. and Eujayl, I.A. and Beaver, J. and Miklas, P.N. and Singh, S. (2008) Response of BGMV and BGYMV resistant common bean to beet curly top virus. Annual Report of Bean Improvement Cooperative. 51:168-169.

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