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Items where Year is 2005

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Number of items: 37.


Kincaid, D.C. (2005) Application rates from center pivot irrigation with current sprinkler types. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 21(4):605-610.


Nelson, N.O. and Mikkelsen, R.L. (2005) Balancing the phosphorus budget of a swine farm: A case study. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education. 34:90-95.


Entry, J.A. and Strausbaugh, C.A. and Sojka, R.E. (2005) Compost amendments decrease Verticilliuam dahliae infection in potato. Compost Science & Utilization. 13(1):43-49.

Shewmaker, G.E. and Entry, J.A. and Sojka, R.E. (2005) Carbon sequestration in irrigated pastures. p. 594. In: O'Mara, F.P. and al, et (eds.) Proceedings of the XX International Grassland Congress. Ireland-Dublin, 2005/06/26-07/01.

Strausbaugh, C.A. and Koehn, A.C. (2005) Control of white mold of dry beans with foliar sprays in Jerome County, ID, 2004. Fungicide and Nematode Tests. 60:p. FC075. Available:


Burns, J.D. and Mayland, H.F. and Fisher, D.S. (2005) Dry matter uptake and digestion of alfalfa harvested at sunset and sunrise. Journal of Animal Science. 83:262-270.


Burritt, E.A. and Mayland, H.F. and Provenza, F.D. and Miller, R.L. and Burns, J.C. (2005) Effect of added sugar on preference and intake by sheep of hay cut in the morning versus the afternoon. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 94:245-254.

Camp, S. and Foote, P. and Strausbaugh, C.A. and Gillen, A.M. (2005) Evaluation of commercial sugarbeet hybrids for resistance to beet curly top in Canyon County, ID, 2004. Biological and Cultural Tests for Control of Plant Diseases. 20:p. FC023. Available:

Lehrsch, G.A. and Bjorneberg, D.L. and Sojka, R.E. (2005) Erosion: Irrigation-induced. In: Hillel, D., (ed.) Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment. pp. 456-463. Elsevier, Ltd, Oxford, U.K.

Strausbaugh, C.A. and Gillen, A.M. and Camp, S. and Foote, P. (2005) Evaluation of experimental sugarbeet hybrids for resistance to beet curly top in Canyon County, ID, 2004. Biological and Cultural Tests for Control of Plant Diseases. 20:p. FC015. Available:


Flerchinger, G.N. and Lehrsch, G.A. and McCool, D.K. (2005) Freezing and thawing processes. In: Hillel, D., (ed.) Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment. pp. 104-110. Elsevier, Ltd, Oxford, U.K.

King, B.A. and Wall, R.W. and Kincaid, D.C. and Westermann, D.T. (2005) Field testing of a variable rate sprinkler and control system for site-specific water and nutrient application. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 21(5):847-853.

McGonigle, T.P. and Forster, R.L. and Strausbaugh, C.A. (2005) Fungi in the root cortex of direct-seeded wheat fields with chiseling or no tillage. In: Varma, A. and Podila, I.K., (eds.) Biotechnological Applications of Microbes. pp. 163-175. International Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.

Nelson, N.O. and Parsons, J.E. and Mikkelsen, R.L. (2005) Field-scale evaluation of phosphorus leaching in acid sandy soils receiving swine waste. Journal of Environmental Quality. 34:2024-2035.


Bjorneberg, D.L. and Sojka, R.E. (2005) Irrigation methods. In: Hillel, D., (ed.) Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment. pp. 273-280. Elsevier, Ltd, Oxford, U.K.

Gillen, A.M. and Bliss, F.A. (2005) Identification and mapping of markers linked to the Mi Gene for root-knot nematode resistance in peach. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 130(1):24-33.


Leytem, A.B. and Turner, B.L. and Raboy, V. and Peterson, K.L. (2005) Linking manure properties to phosphorus solubility in calcareous soils: Importance of the manure carbon to phosphorus ratio. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 69:1516-1524.


Strausbaugh, C.A. and Gallian, J.J. and Camp, S. and Foote, P. and Gillen, A.M. (2005) Managing curly top. In: Proceedings of the University of Idaho 2005 Winter Commodity Schools (Snake River Sugarbeet Conference). USA-ID-Nampa, 2005/01/14.


Clemmens, A.J. and Bjorneberg, D.L. (2005) New furrow flume for high sediment loads. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 21(2):227-236.

Griggs, T.C. and McAdam, J.W. and Mayland, H.F. and Burns, J.C. (2005) Nonstructural carbohydrate and digestibility patterns in orchardgrass swards during daily defoliation sequences initiated in evening and morning. Crop Science. 45:1295-1304.

Weaver, R.W. and Entry, J.A. and Graves, A. (2005) Numbers of fecal streptococci and Escherichia coli in fresh and dry cattle, horse, and sheep manure. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 51:847-851.

Westermann, D.T. (2005) Nutritional requirements of potatoes. American Journal of Potato Research. 82:301-307.


Bjorneberg, D.L. and Leytem, A.B. (2005) Phosphorus loss with surface irrigation. In: Walker, F. and Russell, W. and Dagnan, G. and Dalton, A. (eds.) Phosphorus Best Management Practices: Protecting Water Quality. USDA-NRCS Fact Sheet. Available:

Lehrsch, G.A. and Lentz, R.D. and Kincaid, D.C. (2005) Polymer and sprinkler droplet energy effects on sugar beet emergence, soil penetration resistance, and aggregate stability. Plant and Soil. 273:1-13.

Leytem, A.B. and Westermann, D.T. (2005) Phosphorus availability to barley from manures and fertilizers on a calcareous soil. Soil Science. 170(6):401-412.

Strausbaugh, C.A. and Overturf, K. and Koehn, A.C. (2005) Pathogenicity and real-time PCR detection of Fusarium spp. in wheat and barley roots. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 27:430-438.

Westermann, D.T. (2005) Plant analyses and interpretation. In: Sims, J.T. and Sharpley, A.N., (eds.) Phosphorus: Agriculture and the Environment. Agronomy Monograph, No. 46. pp. 415-436. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI.


Fisher, D.S. and Burns, J.C. and Mayland, H.F. (2005) Ruminant selection among switchgrass hays cut at either sundown or sunup. Crop Science. 45:1394-1402.

Karn, J.F. and Mayland, H.F. and Berdahl, J.D. and Asay, K.H. and Jefferson, P.G. (2005) Russian wildrye nutritive quality as affected by accession and environment. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 85:125-133.

Leytem, A.B. and Bjorneberg, D.L. (2005) Removing soluble phosphorus in irrigation return flows with alum additions. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 60(4):200-208.

Sojka, R.E. and Oosterhuis, D.M. and Scott, H.D. (2005) Root oxygen deprivation and the reduction of leaf stomatal aperture and gas exchange. In: Pessarakli, M., (ed.) Handbook of Photosynthesis (2nd Edition). pp. 299-314. Taylor & Francis, New York, NY.


Bjorneberg, D.L. and Lentz, R.D. (2005) Sediment pond effectiveness for removing phosphorus from PAM-treated irrigation furrows. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 21(4):589-593.

Sojka, R.E. and Entry, J.A. and Orts, W.J. and Morishita, D.W. and Ross, C.W. and Horne, D.J. (2005) Synthetic- and bio-polymer use for runoff water quality management in irrigation agriculture. Water Science & Technology. 51(3-4):107-115.

Strausbaugh, C.A. and Koehn, A.C. (2005) Seed treatments for control of root rots in spring wheat in Bonneville County, ID, 2004. Fungicide and Nematode Tests. 60:p. ST002. Available:

Strausbaugh, C.A. and Koehn, A.C. (2005) Seed treatments for improved stand and yield in dry beans in Twin Falls County, ID, 2004. Fungicide and Nematode Tests. 60:p. ST001. Available:


Bjorneberg, D.L. and Sojka, R.E. and Leytem, A.B. (2005) Technologies to minimize water quality impacts of irrigated agriculture. In: Proceedings of the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress. USA-AK-Anchorage, 2005/05/15-19.

Leytem, A.B. and Mikkelsen, R.L. (2005) The nature of phosphorus in calcareous soils. Better Crops. 89(2):11-13.

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