Items where Year is 1970
Bondurant, James A. (1970) Get Double Use Out of Irrigation Water. Idaho Farmer-Stockman. 88(6):24-27.
Carter, D.L. and Robbins, C.W. and Bondurant, J.A. (1970) The Water Soluble Nitrogen and Phosphorus Balance for a Large Irrigation District. pp. 49-56. In: Proc. 21st Ann. Pac. NW Fert. Conf. 1970/07/14-16. Pac. NW Plant Food Assn.
Carter, D.L. and Robbins, C.W. and Brown, M.J. (1970) Selenium Concentrations in Forage on Some High Northwestern Ranges. Journal of Range Management. 23(4):234-238.
Cary, J.W. (1970) Measuring Unsaturated Soil Moisture Flow with a Meter. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 34(1):24-27.
Cary, J.W. and Mayland, H.F. (1970) Factors Influencing Freezing of Supercooled Water in Tender Plants. Agronomy Journal. 62(6):715-719.
Fischback, P.E. and Bondurant, J.A. (1970) Recirculating Irrigation Water. pp. N.1-N.9. In: Proc. ASAE Natl. Irrig. Symp. USA-NE-Lincoln, 1970/11/10-13.
Fisher, H.D. and Bondurant, J.A. (1970) An Inexpensive Counter-Timer for Water Velocity Meters. Agricultural Engineering. 51(10):600-601.
Fisher, H.D. and Brown, M.J. (1970) Photoelectric Tachometer for Precise Centrifuge Speed Determination. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 34(6):950-952.
Fisher, H.D. and Cary, J.W. (1970) Accumulation of Mercury Vapor in Soils Laboratories. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 34(4):701-703.
Frere, M.H. and Jensen, M.E. and Carter, J.N. (1970) Modeling Water and Nitrogen Behavior in the Soil-Plant System. pp. 746-750. In: Proc. 1970 Summer Computer Simulation Conf. USA-CO-Denver, 1970/06/10-12.
Heermann, Dale F. and Jensen, Marvin E. (1970) Adopting Meteorological Approaches in Irrigation Scheduling for High Rainfall Areas. pp. 00.1-00.10. In: Proc. ASAE Natl. Irrig. Symp. USA-NE-Lincoln, 1970/11/10-13.
Humpherys, A.S. and Garton, J.E. and Kruse, E.G. (1970) Auto-Mechanization of Open Channel Distribution Systems. pp. L.1-L.20. In: Proc. ASAE Natl. Irrig. Symp. USA-NE-Lincoln, 1970/11/10-13.
Humpherys, Allan S. (1970) Surface Irrigation Can be Automated. Idaho Farmer-Stockman. 88(6):40-43.
Jensen, Marvin E. and Heermann, Dale F. (1970) Meteorological Approaches to Irrigation Scheduling. pp. NN.1-NN.11. In: Proc. ASAE Natl. Irrig. Symp. USA-NE-Lincoln, 1970/11/10-13.
Jensen, Marvin E. and Robb, David C. N. and Franzoy, C.E. (1970) Scheduling Irrigations Using Climate-Crop-Soil Data. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division. 96(IRI):25-38.
Jensen, Marvin E. and Wright, James L. (1970) Irrigation- Oriented ET Models for the Great Plains. pp. 67-68. In: Proc. "Evapotranspiration in the Great Plains" Seminar. USA-TX-Bushland, 1970/03/23-25.
Massee, Truman W. and Siddoway, F.H. (1970) Summer Fallow Soil Water Losses on Intermountain Dryland and Its Effect on Cropping Winter Wheat. Agronomy Journal. 62(6):722-725.
Mayland, H.F. and Cary, J.W. (1970) Frost and Chilling Injury to Growing Plants. Advances in Agronomy. 22:203-234.
Pair, C.H. (1970) Sprinkler Irrigation. USDA Leaflet No. 476. 8 pp.
Pair, Claude H. (1970) Mechanized Sprinkler Systems, Their Applications and Limitations - What Next? pp. CC.1-CC.8. In: Proc. ASAE Natl. Irrig. Symp. USA-NE-Lincoln, 1970/11/10-13.
Pair, Claude H. (1970) Use of Sprinkler Systems for Waste. Irrigation Journal. 1(2):22-25,28.
Rickman, R.W. (1970) Soil Structure Evaluation with Audio- frequency Vibrations. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 34(1):19-24.
Robbins, C.W. and Carter, D.L. (1970) Selenium Concentrations in Phosphorus Fertilizer Materials and Associated Uptake by Plants. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 34(3):506-509.
Smith, J.H. and Douglas, C.L. (1970) Influence of Silica and Nitrogen Contents and Straw Application Rate on Decomposition of Gaines Wheat Straw in Soil. Soil Science. 109(6):341-344.
Smith, J.H. and Douglas, C.L. and LeBaron, M.J. (1970) Nitrogen Fertilization and Overirrigation of Spring and Winter Wheat. pp. 112-118. In: Proc. 21st Ann. Pac. NW Fert. Conf. 1970/07/14-16. Pac. NW Plant Food Assn.
Worstell, Robert V. (1970) Automatic Start Siphon Tube May Solve a Bunch of Problems. Irrigation Age. 5(4):42-43.
Worstell, Robert V. (1970) New Seepage Meter Pinpoints High Water Loss Areas. Idaho Farmer-Stockman. 88(6):45-47.
Wright, James L. and Lemon, Edgar (1970) The Exchange of Carbon Dioxide Between the Atmosphere and the Plant. Transaction of the ASAE. 13(2):238-239.