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People : Shewmaker, G.E.

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Number of items: 27.


Shewmaker, G.E. and Johnson, D.A. and Mayland, H.F. (2008) Mg and K effects on cation uptake and dry matter accumulation in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea). Plant Soil. 302:283-295.

Shewmaker, G.E. and Mayland, H.F. and Roberts, C.A. (2008) Varietal differences in rate of carbohydrate accumulation for tall fescue. p. 681. In: Proceedings of the XXI International Grassland Congress and VIII International Rangeland Congress. Vol. II. China-Inner Mongolia-Hohhot, 2008/06/29-07/05. Guandong People’s Publishing House, Guangzhou, Peoples Republic of China.


Sojka, R.E. and Entry, J.A. and Shewmaker, G.E. and Fuhrmann, J.J. (2007) Management of irrigated agriculture to increase carbon storage. pp. 189-202. In: Currie, L.D. and Yates, L.J. (eds.) Proceedings of the Fertilizer & Lime Research Centre Workshop. Designing Sustainable Farms: Critical Aspects of Soil and Water Management. New Zealand-Palmerston North, 2007/02/08-09.

Entry, J.A. and Sojka, R.E. and Shewmaker, G.E. (2007) Management of irrigated agriculture to increase organic carbon storage in soils. In: Plattenberg, R.H., (ed.) Environmental Pollution: New Research. pp. 121-139. Nova Science Publishers, New York, NY.


Shewmaker, G.E. and Mayland, H.F. and Roberts, C.A. and Harrison, P.A. and Chatterton, N.J. and Sleper, D.A. (2006) Daily carbohydrate accumulation in eight tall fescue cultivars. Grass and Forage Science. 61:413-421.


Shewmaker, G.E. and Entry, J.A. and Sojka, R.E. (2005) Carbon sequestration in irrigated pastures. p. 594. In: O'Mara, F.P. and al, et (eds.) Proceedings of the XX International Grassland Congress. Ireland-Dublin, 2005/06/26-07/01.


Mayland, H.F. and MacAdam, J.W. and Shewmaker, G.E. and Chatterton, N.J. (2003) The diurnal cycling of sugars in grasses impact strip-graze management plans. pp. 466-468. In: Proc. Second National Conference on Grazing Lands. USA-TN-Nashville, 2003/12/07-10.


Sleper, D.A. and Mayland, H.F. and Crawford Jr, R.J. and Shewmaker, G.E. and Massie, M.D. (2002) Registration of HiMag Tall Fescue Germplasm. Crop Science. 42:318-319.


Panter, K.E. and Mayland, H.F. and Gardner, D.R. and Shewmaker, G.E. (2001) Beef cattle losses after grazing Lupinus argenteus (Silvery Lupine). Veterinary and Human Toxicology. 43:279-282.

Mayland, H.F. and Burns, J.C. and Fisher, D.S. and Shewmaker, G.E. and Carlstrom, R. and Cash, D.S. (2001) Herbivore preference for afternoon- and morning-cut forages and adoption of cutting management strategies. pp. 405-406. In: Proc. XIX International Grassland Congress. Brazil-São Paulo-Piracicaba, 2001/02/10-21.

Mayland, H.F. and Burns, J.C. and Fisher, D.S. and Shewmaker, G.E. (2001) Near infra-red measurement of nonstructural carbohydrates in alfalfa hay. pp. 404-405. In: Proc. XIX International Grassland Congress. Brazil-São Paulo-Piracicaba, 2001/02/10-21.


Shewmaker, G.E. and Mayland, H.F. and Hansen, S.B. (2000) Border effects on cattle grazing preference (Session 5:13-14). In: Christie, B.R. (ed.) XVIII Int'l Grassld. Cong. Canada-SK-Winnepeg, Manatoba, and Saskatoon, 1997/06/08-19.

Mayland, H.F. and Shewmaker, G.E. and Fisher, D.S. and Burns, J.C. (2000) Diurnal variation in forage quality affects animal preference and production. In: Proc. Michigan Hay and Grazing Council. USA-MI-St. Johns, 2000/01/20.

Mayland, H.F. and Shewmaker, G.E. and Fisher, D.S. and Burns, J.C. (2000) Diurnal variation in forage quality affects animal preference and production. pp. 30-34. In: Wisconsin Forage Council, 24th Forage Production and Use Symposium. USA-WI-Wisconsin Dells, 2000/01/25-26.

Mayland, H.F. and Shewmaker, G.E. (2000) Seasonal changes in forage quality of C-3 grasses on sagebrush grasslands (Session 17:17-18). In: Christie, B.R. (ed.) XVIII Int'l Grassld. Cong. Canada-SK-Winnepeg, Manatoba, and Saskatoon, 1997/06/08-19.


Mayland, H.F. and Shewmaker, G.E. (1999) Plant attributes that affect livestock selection and intake. Station Bulletin No. 70. Idaho Forest, Wildlife and Range Experiment Station, University of Idaho, Moscow. 6 pp.


Mayland, H.F. and Shewmaker, G.E. and Burns, J.C. and Fisher, D.S. (1998) Morning and evening harvest effects on animal performance. pp. 26-30. In: Proc. California/Nevada Alfalfa Symp. USA-NV-Reno, 1998/12/03-04.


Shewmaker, G.E. (1997) Livestock grazing: A tool for removing phosphorus from irrigated meadows. pp. 261-275. In: Proc. 1996 Wetlands Seminar, Water for Agriculture and Wildlife and the Environ. 1997. U.S. Committee on Irrig. & Drainage, Denver, CO.


Mayland, H.F. and Shewmaker, G.E. (1996) Seasonal changes in forage quality of C-3 grasses on sagebrush grasslands. pp. 17/17-17/18. In: XVIII Int'l Proc. Grassland Cong. Canada-SK-Saskatoon, 1997/06/08-19.


Mayland, H.F. and Murray, R.B. and Shewmaker, G.E. (1994) Forage yield and quality trends of annual grasses in the Great Basin. USDA-FS, INT-GTR No. 313.

Mayland, H.F. and Murray, R.B. and Shewmaker, G.E. (1994) Forage yield and quality trends of annual grasses in the Great Basin. pp. 387-391. In: Proc. Symp. on Ecology, Management and Restoration of Intermountain Annual Rangelands. USA-ID-Boise, 1994/05/18-22.


Rumbaugh, M.D. and Mayland, H.F. and Pendery, B.M. and Shewmaker, G.E. (1993) Element concentrations in globemallow herbage. Journal of Range Management. 46:114-117.

Rumbaugh, M.D. and Pendery, B.M. and Mayland, H.F. and Shewmaker, G.E. (1993) Registration of ARS-2936 Scarlet Globemallow Germplasm. Crop Science. 33:1106-1108.

Rumbaugh, M.D. and Mayland, H.F. and Pendery, B.M. and Shewmaker, G.E. (1993) Utilization of globemallow (Sphaeralcea) taxa by sheep. Journal of Range Management. 46:103-109.


Murray, R.B. and Mayland, H.F. and Shewmaker, G.E. (1991) Response of montane tall-forb communities to 2,4-D and mixtures of 2,4-D and picloram. Journal of Range Management. 44(4):311-318.


Shewmaker, G.E. and Mayland, H.F. (1986) Forage production in a double-crop system. Proceedings of the University of Idaho Winter Commodity Schools. 18:31-34.


Mayland, H.F. and Shewmaker, G.E. and Bull, R.C. (1977) Soil Ingestion by Cattle Grazing Crested Wheatgrass. Journal of Range Management. 30(4):264-265.

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