Items where Year is 1963
Tovey, Rhys and Pair, Claude H. (1963) A Method for Measuring Water Intake Rate into Soil for Sprinkler Design. pp. 109-118. In: Sprinkler Irrig. Assn. Open Tech. Conf. Proc. 1963.
Robinson, A.R. and Lauritzen, C.W. and Muckel, D.C. and Phelan, Jack (1963) Distribution Control and Measurement of Irrigation Water on the Farm. USDA Miscellaneous Publication No. 926. 27 pp.
Jensen, M.E. and Haise, H.R. (1963) Estimating Evapotranspiration from Solar Radiation. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division. 89:15-41.
Jensen, Marvin E. and Haise, Howard R. (1963) Estimating evapotranspiration from solar radiation. Proceedings for the American Society of Civil Engineering Journal of Irrigation Drain Division. 89:15-41.
Pair, Claude H. (1963) Effect of Irrigation Methods and System Management on Water Application Efficiency. pp. 16.145-16.159. In: Int. Comm. on Irrig. and Drain., 5th Congr. 1963.
Robinson, A.R. (1963) Evaluation of the Vane-Type Flow Meter. Agricultural Engineering. 44(7):374-375,381.
Pair, Claude H. (1963) Making Use of Sprinkler Pattern Data. Irrig. Engr. Maint. 8(7):10-11,26.
Benz, L.C. and Mickelson, R.H. and Jensen, M.E. and Sandoval, O.H. (1963) Small and Large Diameter, Water-Table Observation Wells Compared. Transaction of the ASAE. 6(2):93-94,97.
Haise, H.R. and Jensen, M.E. (1963) Solar Reflectance from Soil and Crop Surfaces. In: 55th Annual Meeting Amer. Soc. Agron. USA-CO-Denver, 1963/11/17-21.
Pair, Claude H. (1963) Using Sprinkler Pattern Data in System Design. pp. 119-126. In: Sprinkler Irrigation Association Open Tech. Conf. Proc. 1963.