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Items where Subject is "Tillage"

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Jump to: 2023 | 2017 | 2016 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 | 2008 | 2007 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1983 | 1979 | 1974 | 1973 | 1972 | 1967 | 1965
Number of items at this level: 60.


Baxter, A.E. and Leytem, A.B. and Dungan, R.S. and Bjorneberg, D.L. (2023) Potential of winter cover crops and tillage for managing manure-based nutrient loading. International Journal of Plant and Soil Science. June 2023:1-18. 12 June 2023.


Tarkalson, D.D. and King, B.A. (2017) Effects of tillage and irrigation management on sugarbeet production. Agronomy Journal. 109(5):1-11. 13 July 2017. Available: doi:10.2134/agronj2016.09.0530


Biswas, S and Kranz, W.L. and Shapiro, C.A. and Bartelt-Hunt, S.L. and Mamo, M. and Snow, D.D. and Tarkalson, D.D. and Shelton, D.P. and Mader, T.L. and Van Donk, S.J. and Zhang, T.C. (2016) Effect of rainfall timing and tillage on the transport of steroid hormones in runoff from manure amended row crop fields. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 324:436-447. 4 November 2016.

Tarkalson, D.D. and Bjorneberg, D.L. (2016) Effect of phosphorus placement methods and rates on sugarbeet production under strip tillage in southern Idaho. Crop, Forage, & Turfgrass Management. 2(1). 14 July 2016.

Tarkalson, D.D. and Bjorneberg, D.L. and Moore, Amber (2016) Fall and spring tillage effects on sugarbeet production. Journal of Sugar Beet Research. 52(3 & 4):30-38. 19 May 2016.


Biswas, S and Kranz, W.L. and Shapiro, C.A. and Mamo, M. and Bartlelt-Hunt, S.L. and Snow, D.D. and Tarkalson, D.D. and Shelton, D.P. and Mader, T.L. and van Donk, Simon J. and Zhang, T.C. (2013) Use of a surrogate to evaluate the impact of tillage on the transport of steroid hormones from manure-amended agricultural field. Transactions of the ASABE. 56:1379-1385.


Strausbaugh, C.A. and Eujayl, Imad A. (2012) Influence of sugarbeet tillage systems on rhizoctonia-bacterial root rot complex. The Sugarbeet. Fall:2-3.

Tarkalson, D.D. and Bjorneberg, D.L. and Moore, Amber (2012) Effects of tillage system and nitrogen supply on sugarbeet production. Journal of Sugarbeet Research. 49:79-102. 1 July 2012.


Moore, Amber and Tarkalson, D.D. (2010) Nitrogen Mineralization Response to Tillage Practices on Low and High Nitrogen Soils. pp. 65-68. USA-ID-Shoshone, 2010/03/09. In: Proceedings of the Idaho Nutrient Management Conference, March 9, 2010, Shoshone, Idaho. University of Idaho.

Tarkalson, D.D. and Bjorneberg, D.L. (2010) Evaluation of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer Placement With Strip Tillage for Irrigated Pacific Northwest Corn Production. pp. 42-48. USA-ID-Shoshone, 2010/03/09. In: Proceedings of the Idaho Nutrient Management Conference, March 9, 2010, Shoshone, Idaho.

Tarkalson, D.D. and Bjorneberg, D.L. (2010) Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer Placement in Corn Production. Nutrient Digest, Nutrient Management Newsletter for Idaho. 1:7-8.


Rahman, M.H. and Okubo, A. and Sugiyama, S. and Mayland, H.F. (2008) Physical, chemical and microbiological properties of an Andisol as related to land use and tillage practice. Soil and Tillage Research. 101(1-2):10-19.

Tarkalson, D.D. and Bjorneberg, D.L. (2008) Evaluation of strip-tillage and fertilizer placement in Southern Idaho corn production. pp. 36-41. In: Idaho Nutrient Management Conference. USA-ID-Jerome, 2008/03/04. Proceedings of the Idaho Nutrient Management Conference.


Garcia, J.P. and Wortmann, C.S. and Mamo, M. and Drijber, R. and Tarkalson, D. (2007) One-time tillage of no-till: Effects on nutrients, mycorrhizae, and phosphorus uptake. Agronomy Journal. 99:1093-1103.


McGonigle, T.P. and Forster, R.L. and Strausbaugh, C.A. (2005) Fungi in the root cortex of direct-seeded wheat fields with chiseling or no tillage. In: Varma, A. and Podila, I.K., (eds.) Biotechnological Applications of Microbes. pp. 163-175. International Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.


Bjorneberg, David L. and Aase, J. Kris. (2004) Conservation tillage effects on sediment and phosphorus losses from a furrow irrigated field. pp. 1-10. In: Proceedings of ASAE/CSAE Annual International Meeting. Canada-Ontario-Ottawa, 2004/08/01-04.


Mills, DeEtta and Entry, James A. and Mathee, Kalai and Narasimhan, Giri and Jayachandran, Kris and Sojka, R.E. and Busscher, Warren J. (2003) Irrigated agriculture and tillage practices impact microbial community structure. pp. 749-754. In: Proceedings 16th Triennial Conf. of ISTRO: Soil Management for Sustainability. Australia-Brisbane, 2003/07/13-18.


Horne, D.J. and Sojka, R.E. (2002) Aeration, tillage effects on. In: Lal, R., (ed.) Encyclopedia of Soil Science (1st Edition). pp. 30-33. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.


Aase, J. Kristian (1997) Conservation Tillage. In: McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology - 1998. pp. 401-402.

Aase, J.K. and Schaefer, G.M. and Pikul Jr, J.L. (1997) Hayland conversion to wheat production in semiarid eastern Montana: tillage, yield and hay production comparisons. Soil & Tillage Research. 44:225-234.

Pikul Jr, J.L. and Aase, J.K. (1997) Water infiltration into a glacial till soil following subsoiling and secondary tillage. pp. 527-530. In: Proceedings 14th Istro Conf. Poland-Pulawy, 1997/07/27-08/01, 1997.

Sojka, R.E. and Horne, D.J. and Ross, C.W. and Baker, C.J. (1997) Subsoiling and surface tillage effects on soil physical properties and forage oat stand and yield. Soil & Tillage Research. 40:125-144.


Aase, J.K. and Schaefer, G.M. (1996) Economics of tillage practices and spring wheat and barley crop sequence in the Northern Great Plains. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 51(2):167-170.

Bjorneberg, D.L. and Kanwar, R.S. and Melvin, S.W. (1996) Tillage and crop rotation effects on subsurface drainage response to rainfall. Transactions of the ASAE. 39(6):2147-2154.

Pikul Jr, J.L. and Wilkins, D.E. and Aase, J.K. and Zuzel, J.F. (1996) Contour ripping: A tillage strategy to improve water infiltration into frozen soil. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 51(1):76-83.

Westermann, D.T. and Sojka, R.E. (1996) Tillage and nitrogen placement effects on nutrient uptake by potato. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 60:1448-1453.


Aase, J. Kristian and Pikul Jr, Joseph L. (1995) Crop and Soil Response to Long-Term Tillage Practices in the Northern Great Plains. Agronomy Journal. 87(4):652-656.

Meek, B.D. and Carter, D.L. and Westermann, D.T. and Wright, J.L. and Peckenpaugh, R.E. (1995) Nitrate leaching under furrow irrigation as affected by crop sequence and tillage. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 59:204-210.


Meek, B.D. and Carter, D.L. and Westermann, D.T. and Peckenpaugh, R.E. (1994) Root-zone mineral nitrogen changes as affected by crop sequence and tillage. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 58:1464-1469.

Sojka, Robert E. and Carter, David L. (1994) Constraints on conservation tillage under dryland and irrigated agriculture in the United States Pacific Northwest. In: Carter, Martin R., (ed.) Conservation Tillage in Temperate Agroecosystems. pp. 285-304. CRC Press, Inc., 2000 Corporate Blvd. N.W., Boca Raton, Florida 33431.


Carter, David L. (1993) Reduced tillage for beans. pp. 1-3. In: Proc. Winter Commodity Schools. 1993/02/12.

Westermann, D.T. and Crothers, S.E. (1993) Nitrogen fertilization of wheat no-till planted in alfalfa stubble. Journal of Production Agriculture. 6(3):404-408.


Meek, B.D. and Rechel, E.R. and Carter, L.M. and DeTar, W.R. (1992) Bulk density of a sandy loam: traffic, tillage, and irrigation method effects. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 56:562-565.

Meek, B.D. and Rechel, E.R. and Carter, L.M. and DeTar, W.R. and Urie, A.L. (1992) Infiltration rate of a sandy loam soil: effects of traffic, tillage, and plant roots. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 56(3):908-913.


Carter, D.L. and Berg, R.D. (1991) Crop sequences and conservation tillage to control irrigation furrow erosion and increase farmer income. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 46(2):139-142.

Carter, D.L. and Berg, R.D. and Sanders, B.J. (1991) Producing no-till cereal or corn following alfalfa on furrow-irrigated land. Journal of Production Agriculture. 4(2):174-179.

Sojka, R.E. and Karlen, D.L. and Busscher, W.J. (1991) A conservation tillage research update from the Coastal Plain Soil and Water Conservation Research Center of South Carolina: A review of previous research. Soil & Tillage Research. 21:361-376.

Sojka, R.E. and Westermann, D.T. and Brown, M.J. and Kincaid, D.C. and Meek, B.D. and McCann, I. and Halderson, J. and Thornton, M. (1991) Deep tillage effects on potato yield and quality. pp. 129-140. In: Proc. 30th Annual Wash. State Potato Conf. & Trade Fair. USA-WA-Moses Lake, 1991/02/05-07. Wash. State Potato Commission, Moses Lake, WA 98837.


Kincaid, D.C. and McCann, I. and Busch, J.R. and Hasheminia, M. (1990) Low pressure center pivot irrigation and reservoir tillage. pp. 54-60. In: Proc. 3rd Natl. Irrig. Symp. Visions of the Future. USA-AZ-Phoenix, 1990/10/28-11/01. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.

Meek, B.D. and DeTar, W.R. and Rolph, D. and Rechel, E.R. and Carter, L.M. (1990) Infiltration rate as affected by an alfalfa and no-till cotton cropping system. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 54:505-508.


Busscher, W.J. and Sojka, R.E. and Karlen, D.L. (1989) A decade of progress in conservation tillage in the South Carolina Coastal Plain. Special Bulletin No. 89-1. Integrated Pest Management. pp. 83-85.

Busscher, W.J. and Sojka, R.E. and Karlen, D.L. (1989) A decade of progress in conservation tillage in the South Carolina Coastal Plain. pp. 83-85. In: Proc. of Southern Conservation Tillage Conference. USA-FL-Talahassee, 1989.

Shock, C. and Stieber, T. and Eldredge, E. and Sojka, R. and Kennedy-Ketcheson, E. (1989) Comparison of fall and spring bedding for furrow irrigated potatoes following fall moldboard or chisel plowing. Oregon State University Agricultural Experiment Station Special Report No. 848. pp. 36-39.

Sojka, R.E. and Busscher, W.J. (1989) Conservation tillage in soybean and corn in the South Carolina Coastal Plain. pp. 46-48. In: Proc. of Southern Conservation Tillage Conference. USA-FL-Talahassee, 1989.

Sojka, R.E. and Busscher, W.J. (1989) Conservation tillage in soybean and corn in the South Carolina Coastal Plain. Special Bulletin No. 89-1. Integrated Pest Management. pp. 46-48.


Bullock, M.S. and Kemper, W.D. and Nelson, S.D. (1988) Soil cohesion as affected by freezing, water content, time and tillage. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 52(3):770-776.


Busch, J.R. and Kincaid, D.C. (1987) Reservoir tillage for controlling runoff and saving energy. Irrigation Energy Efficiency Bulletin for Bonneville Power Administration No. DOE/BP-21295-9. 2 pp.

Busscher, W.J. and Sojka, R.E. (1987) Enhancement of subsoiling effect on soil strength by conservation tillage. Transaction of the ASAE. 30(4):888-892.

Ramig, R.E. and Saxton, K.E. and Massee, T.W. and Campbell, G.S. and Thill, D.C. (1987) Water conservation under reduced tillage systems. In: STEEP--Conservation Concepts and Accomplishments. Washington State University Publication, Pullman, WA. pp. 125-136.


Massee, Truman W. (1983) Conservation Tillage Obstacles on Dryland. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 38(4):339-341.


Cary, J.W. and Rasmussen, W.W. (1979) Response of Three Irrigated Crops to Deep Tillage of a Semi-Arid Silt Loam. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 43(3):574-577.

Massee, Truman and McKay, Hugh (1979) Improved Dryland Wheat Production in Eastern Idaho with Tillage and Cropping Methods. University of Idaho Experiment Station Bulletin No. 581. University of Idaho College of Agriculture. 13 pp.

Rasmussen, W.W. and Cary, J.W. (1979) White Spot, Deep Tillage and Water Infiltration of the Portneuf and Related Silt Loam Soils. University of Idaho Current Information Series No. 460. University of Idaho College of Agriculture. 4 pp.


Rasmussen, W.W. (1974) Deep Tillage for Improving Saline-Sodic Soils in Idaho. pp. 92-104. In: Proc. 28th Ann. Mtg. Soil Cons. Soc. Am. Plants, Animals, and Man. USA-AK-Hot Springs, 1973/09/30-10/03.


Rasmussen, W.W. and McNeal, B.L. (1973) Predicting Optimum Depth of Profile Modification by Deep Plowing for Improving Saline-Sodic Soils. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 37(3):432-437.

Smith, J.H. and Douglas, C.L. and LeBaron, M.J. (1973) The Influence of Straw Application Rates, Plowing Dates, and Nitrogen Applications on Yield and Chemical Composition of Sugarbeets. Agronomy Journal. 65(5):797-800.


Rasmussen, W.W. and Moore, D.P. and Alban, L.A. (1972) Improvement of a Solonetzic (Slick Spot) Soil By Deep Plowing, Subsoiling and Amendments. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 36(1):137-142.


Rasmussen, W.W. (1967) Agronomic Aspects of Deep Plowing Saline-Sodic Slick Spot Soils in Southwestern Idaho and Southeastern Oregon. pp. 173-184. In: Proc. 18th Ann. Pac. NW Fert. Conf. USA-ID-Twin Falls, 1967/07/11-13.


Jensen, M.E. and Sletten, W.H. (1965) Effects of Alfalfa, Crop Sequence, and Tillage Practice on Intake Rates of Pullman Silty Clay Loam and Grain Yields. USDA-ARS Conservation Research Report No. 1. 25 pp.

Rasmussen, W.W. (1965) Deep Plowing . . . For Improving Slick Spot Soils. Crops and Soils Magazine. 17:10-11.

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