People : Carter, David L.
Sojka, Robert E. and Carter, David L. (1994) Constraints on conservation tillage under dryland and irrigated agriculture in the United States Pacific Northwest. In: Carter, Martin R., (ed.) Conservation Tillage in Temperate Agroecosystems. pp. 285-304. CRC Press, Inc., 2000 Corporate Blvd. N.W., Boca Raton, Florida 33431.
Carter, David L. (1993) Reduced tillage for beans. pp. 1-3. In: Proc. Winter Commodity Schools. 1993/02/12.
Carter, David L. (1991) BOOK REVIEW: "Agricultural salinity and management", K.K. Tanji, (Ed.). Journal of Environmental Quality. 20(4):878.
Carter, David L. (1990) Managing nitrogen during the crop rotation to increase income and protect the environment. The Sugarbeet. pp. 16-17.
Carter, David L. (1987) Water relations and irrigation. In: Wheat and Wheat Improvement (Chapter 6). Agronomy Monograph (2nd edition), No. 13. pp. 390-395. ASA, 677 South Segoe Road, Madison, WI 53711.
Carter, David L. (1985) Controlling erosion and sediment loss on furrow-irrigated land. In: El-Swaify, S.A. and Moldenhauer, W.C. and Low, Andrew, (eds.) Soil Erosion and Conservation. pp. 355-364. Soil Cons. Soc. Amer., Ankeny, Iowa.
Everts, Christopher J. and Carter, David L. (1981) Furrow Erosion and Topsoil Losses. University of Idaho Current Information Series No. 586. University of Idaho College of Agriculture. 4 pp.
Carter, David L. and Bondurant, James A. (1976) Control of Sediments, Nutrients, and Adsorbed Biocides in Surface Irrigation Return Flows. EPA Report (Technology Series) No. EPA-600/2-76-237. 45 pp.
Carter, David L. (1975) Problems of Salinity in Agriculture (Chapter II). In: Poljakoff-Mayber, A. and Gale, J., (eds.) Plants in Saline Environment. Ecological Studies. Analysis and Synthesis, Vol. 15. pp. 25-35. Springer-Verlag, Germany.
Carter, David L. (1973) The Problems of Irrigation. pp. 47-50. In: Proc. Int. Water Qual. Symp. Water Pollution and Disease. USA-DC-Washington, 1972/04/18-19.
Carter, David L. (1972) Irrigation Return Flows in Southern Idaho. pp. 47-53. In: Proc. Natl. Conf. on Managing Irrigated Agriculture to Improve Water Qual. 1972/05/16-18.
Carter, David L. (1969) Managing Moderately Saline (Salty) Irrigation Water. University of Idaho Current Information Series No. 107. University of Idaho College of Agriculture. 4 pp.
Carter, David L. (1968) Plan Ahead to Prevent Livestock Losses from White Muscle Disease. University of Idaho Current Information Series No. 84. University of Idaho College of Agriculture. 4 pp.
Carter, David L. and Fanning, C.D. (1965) Cultural Practices for Grain Sorghum Production Through a Cotton Burr Mulch. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 20:61-63.
Hunter, Albert S. and Carter, David L. (1965) Studies of Methods for Measuring Forms of Available Soil Nitrogen. Soil Science. 100(2):112-117.