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Potato nutritional management changes and challenges into the next century

Westermann, D.T. and Davis, J.R. (1992) Potato nutritional management changes and challenges into the next century. American Potato Journal. 69:753-767.

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Plant nutrients are important components of the intensive production
system used for potatoes. Nutrient management practices need to be
improved for sustained and increased productivity. Better mangement decisions
will be made when accurate information is available about (a) crop
residues and rotation effects on nutrient cycling, (b) the nutritional characteristics
and requirements of each variety, (c) bioavailability of nutrients
in soils, and (d) fertilization and tillage effects on nutrient-use efficiencies.
Plant growth and nutrient uptake responses to different nutrient availabilities
must also be understood to maximize growth and nutrient efficiencies.
Diagnostic management techniques for nutrients need to be related
to fundamental chemical and biological processes in the soil and plant system
to be applicable to different environments. This information can then be
packaged with other knowledge into a comprehensive crop management
system. These changes should bring our agronomic practices into better
harmony with the natural processes of the production system, and yet be
responsive to social and environmental concerns, and economic reality.

Item Type: Article
NWISRL Publication Number: 0779
Subjects: Irrigated crops > Potato
Mass Import - autoclassified (may be erroneous)
Depositing User: Dan Stieneke
Date Deposited: 20 Nov 2010 21:53
Last Modified: 01 Dec 2016 22:36
Item ID: 583