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Float Valves Improve Pipeline Systems

Humpherys, Allan (1978) Float Valves Improve Pipeline Systems. Irrigation Age. 12(7):p. 12,15.

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Water shortages and rising energy and
labor costs are forcing irrigators to look
for ways to increase irrigation efficiency
and reduce operating costs. To accomplish
this, they need maximum system
flexibility and ease of operation.
Many low pressure pipeline systems can
be improved by using float valves to
provide better and easier water control.
Float valves are relatively new and
since most of them are used in California
where they were developed, many
farmers are not familiar with them.

Pressure in supply pipelines should be
as uniform as possible to distribute
water evenly with minimum erosion at
field discharge outlets. Overflow stands
are commonly used to limit the pressure
in a pipeline. On steep or rolling land,
they act both as cheek and as drop
structures. As a check structure, the
stand controls the pressure in the upstream
reach of pipe to maintain
uniform flow from field outlets or into
pipe laterals. As a drop structure, the
stand limits the pressure developed by
natural land slopes. Stands are not always
trouble free. Air entrained when
water flows over the spillway crest may
cause surging in the pipeline.

Item Type: Article
NWISRL Publication Number: 0425
Subjects: Practical farm efficiency
Mass Import - autoclassified (may be erroneous)
Depositing User: Dan Stieneke
Date Deposited: 20 Nov 2010 21:52
Last Modified: 31 Jan 2017 20:32
Item ID: 352