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Movement of coliform bacteria and nutrients in ground water flowing through basalt and sand aquifers

Calidad del Agua Subterránea. El Movimiento de Nutrientes y Bacterias Coliformes en Agua Subterránea Fluyendo a través de Acuíferos Basaltitos y de Arena

Entry, James A. and Farmer, Neal (2001) Movement of coliform bacteria and nutrients in ground water flowing through basalt and sand aquifers. Journal of Environmental Quality. 30:1533-1539.

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Large-scale deposition of animal manure can result in contamination
of surface and ground water and in potential transfer of disease-causing
enteric bacteria to animals or humans. We measured total
coliform bacteria (TC), fecal coliform bacteria (PC), NO 3 , NI-I4, total
P, and POt in ground water flowing from basalt and sand aquifers,
in wells into basalt and sand aquifers, in irrigation water, and in river
water. Samples were collected monthly for 1 yr. Total coliform and
FC numbers were always higher in irrigation water than in ground
water, indicating that soil and sediment filtered most of these bacteria
before they entered the aquifers. Total coliform and FC numbers in
ground water were generally higher in the faster flowing basalt aquifer
than in the sand aquifer, indicating that the slower flow and finer
grain size may filter more TC and FC bacteria from water. At least
one coliform bacterium/101) mL of water was found in ground water
from both basalt and sand aquifers, indicating that ground water
pumped from these aquifers is not necessarily safe for human consumption
according to the American Public Health Association and
the USEPA. The NO3 concentrations were usually higher in water
flowing from the sand aquifer than in water flowing from the basalt
aquifer or in perched water tables in the basalt aquifer. The PO4
concentrations were usually higher in water flowing from the basalt
aquifer than in water flowing from the sand aquifer. The main concern
is fecal contamination of these aquifers and health consequences that
may arise from human consumption.

Item Type: Article
NWISRL Publication Number: 1053
Subjects: Mass Import - unclassified
Depositing User: Dan Stieneke
Date Deposited: 20 Nov 2010 21:50
Last Modified: 14 Nov 2016 17:17
Item ID: 130