Items where Subject is "Potassium"
Robbins, C.W. and Mayland, H.F. (1993) Calcium, magnesium, and potassium uptake by crested wheatgrass grown on calcareous soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 24(9&10):915-926.
Rogers, C.W. and Dari, B. and Schroeder, K.L. (2019) Comparison of soil-test extractants for potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, and micronutrients in Idaho soils. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. 2:190067. 31 October 2019.
Robbins, C.W. and Hansen, C.L. and Roginske, M.F. and Sorensen, D.L. (1996) Extractable Potassium and Soluble Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, and Potassium in Two-Whey-Treated Calcareous Soils. Journal of Environment Quality. 25:791-795.
Westermann, D.T. and Jackson, T.L. and Moore, D.P. (1971) Effect of Potassium Salts on Extractable Soil Manganese. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 35(1):43-46.
Wortmann, C.S. and Dobermann, A.R. and Ferguson, R.B. and Hergert, G.W. and Shapiro, C.A. and Tarkalson, D.D. and Walters, D.T. (2009) High-yielding corn response to applied phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur in Nebraska. Agronomy Journal. 101(3):546-555.
Kresge, P.O. and Gavlak, R.G. and Custer, S.G. and Robbins, C.W. and Jacobsen, J.S. (1988) Identification and impact of excess soil potassium on crop and livestock nutrition. In: Proceedings, 39th Annual Far West Regional Fertilizer Conf. USA-MT-Bozeman, 1988/07/11-13. 5 pp.
Westermann, D.T. and Tindall, T.A. (1997) Potassium considerations for southern Idaho soils. pp. 172-181. In: Tindall, Terry A. and Westermann, Dale (eds.) Proc. Western Nutrient Management Conf. USA-UT-Salt Lake City, 1997/03/06-07. Published for WNNC by Univ. of Idaho.
Robbins, C.W. and Carter, D.L. (1983) Selectivity Coefficients for Calcium-Magnesium-Sodium-Potassium Exchange in Eight Soils. Irrigation Science. 4(83):95-102.
Robbins, Charles W. (1984) Sodium Adsorption Ratio-Exchangeable Sodium Percentage Relationships in a High Potassium Saline-Sodic Soil. Irrigation Science. 5:173-179.
Rogers, C.W. and Pristupa, S. and Dari, B. (2019) Soil carbonate analysis using the solvita compost maturity gel system. Agricultural and Environmental Letters. 4:190044. 27 November 2019.