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Items where Subject is "Runoff losses"

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Number of items at this level: 31.


Lentz, R.D. and Lehrsch, G.A. (2018) Temporal changes in 18O and 15N of nitrate nitrogen and H2O in shallow groundwater: Transit time and nitrate-source implications for an irrigated tract in southern Idaho. Agricultural Water Management. 212:126-135. 6 September 2018.


Ippolito, J.A. and Spackman, R. and Entry, J.A. and Sojka, R.E. (2014) Removal of vegtative clippings reduces dissolved phosphorus loss in runoff. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 45(11):1555-1564.


Bjorneberg, D.L. and Ippolito, J.A. and Koehn, A.C. (2013) Nutrient losses from an irrigated watershed in southern Idaho. pp. 1-11. In: 2013 ASABE Annual International Meeting. Kansas City, Missouri, July 21-24, 2013. 11 pp. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.

Lentz, R.D. and Westermann, D.T. and Lehrsch, G.A. (2013) Reducing nutrient losses in runoff from furrow irrigation. pp. 60-66. In: Pettygrove, S. (ed.) Proceedings of the Western Nutrient Management Conference. Proceedings of the Western Nutrient Management Conference. Vol. 10. Reno, NV, March 7-8, 2013.


King, B.A. and Bjorneberg, D.L. (2011) Evaluation of Potential Runoff and Erosion of Four Center Pivot Irrigation Sprinklers. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 10 February 2011. pp. 75-85.


Bjorneberg, D.L. and King, B.A. and Nelson, Nathan and Lee, J.H. (2009) Soil and Nutrient Losses from Small Sprinkler and Furrow Irrigated Watersheds in Southern Idaho. In: 2009 Annual International Irrigation Show. USA-TX-San Antonio, 2009/12/02-04.


Bjorneberg, D.L. and Prestwich, C.J. and Evans, R.G. (2007) Evaluating the surface irrigation soil loss (SISL) model. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 23(4):485-491.

Sojka, R.E. and Lentz, R.D. and Entry, J.A. and Bjorneberg, D.L. and Morishita, D. (2007) Polyacrylamide (PAM) for irrigation runoff management. pp. 436-450. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Future of Agriculture, Science, Stewardship and Sustainability. USA-CA-Sacramento, 2006/08/07-09.


Sojka, R.E. and Entry, J.A. and Orts, W.J. and Morishita, D.W. and Ross, C.W. and Horne, D.J. (2005) Synthetic- and bio-polymer use for runoff water quality management in irrigation agriculture. Water Science & Technology. 51(3-4):107-115.


Sojka, R.E. and Entry, J.A. and Orts, W.J. and Morishita, D.W. and Ross, C.W. and Horne, D.J. (2003) Synthetic- and Bio-polymer use for runoff water quality management in irrigated agriculture. pp. 3/130-3/136. In: Bruen, M. (ed.) Proceedings of the 7th International Specialised Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Basin Management and 36th Scientific Meeting of the Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA). Ireland-Dublin, 2003/08/17-22.


Entry, James A. and Sojka, R.E. and Watwood, Maribeth and Ross, Craig (2002) Polyacrylamide preparations for protection of water quality threatened by agricultural runoff contaminants. Environmental Pollution. 120:191-200.

Kincaid, D.C. (2002) The WEPP model for runoff and erosion prediction under sprinkler irrigation. Transactions of the ASAE. 45(1):67-72.


Kincaid, D.C. and Lehrsch, G.A. (2001) The WEPP model for runoff and erosion prediction under center pivot irrigation. pp. 115-118. In: Ascough II, J.C. and Flanagan, D.C. (eds.) Proc. Int. Symp. Soil erosion research for the 21st Century. USA-HI-Honolulu, 2001/01/03-05. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.

Orts, W.J. and Sojka, R.E. and Glenn, G.M. and Gross, R.A. (2001) Biopolymer additives for the reduction of soil erosion losses during irrigation. pp. 102-116. In: Gross, R.A. and Scholz, C. (eds.) Biopolymers from Polysaccharides and Agroproteins. ACS Symposium 786. American Chemical Society. USA-DC-Washington, 2001.


Bjorneberg, D.L. and Aase, J.K. (2000) Multiple polyacrylamide applications for controlling sprinkler irrigation runoff and erosion. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 16(5):501-504.

Bjorneberg, D.L. and Aase, J.K. and Sojka, R.E. (2000) Sprinkler irrigation runoff and erosion control with polyacrylamide. pp. 513-522. In: Evans, R.G. and Benham, B.L. and Trooien, T.P. (eds.) National Irrigation Symposium. Proc. 4th Decennial Symp. USA-AZ-Phoenix, 2000/11/14-16. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.

Orts, William J. and Sojka, Robert E. and Glenn, Gregory M. (2000) Biopolymer additives to reduce erosion-induced soil losses during irrigation. Industrial Crops and Products. 11:19-29.

Sojka, R.E. and Entry, J.A. (2000) Influence of polyacrylamide application to soil on movement of microorganisms in runoff water. Environmental Pollution. 108:405-412.


Bjorneberg, D.L. and Trout, T.J. and Sojka, R.E. and Aase, J.K. (1999) Evaluating WEPP-predicted infiltration, runoff, and soil erosion for furrow irrigation. Transactions of the ASAE. 42(6):1733-1741.


Aase, J. Kristian and Bjorneberg, David L. and Sojka, Robert E. (1998) Sprinkler irrigation runoff and erosion control with polyacrylamide - laboratory tests. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 62:1681-1687.


Lentz, R.D. and Sojka, R.E. and Carter, D.L. (1996) Furrow irrigation water-quality effects on soil loss and infiltration. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 60:238-245.


Lentz, R.D. and Sojka, R.E. (1995) Monitoring software for pollutant components in furrow irrigation runoff. pp. 123-127. In: Ahuja., L. and Leppert, J. and Rojas, K. and Seely, E. (eds.) Proc. Workshop on Computer Applications in Water Management. 1995/05/23-25.

Lentz, R.D. and Sojka, R.E. (1995) Monitoring software for pollutant components in furrow irrigation runoff. Colorado State University Water Resources Research Institute Information Series No. 79.


Lentz, R.D. and Sojka, R.E. (1994) Automated Imhoff cone calibration and soil loss/infiltration analysis for furrow irrigation studies. pp. 858-863. In: Watson, G. and Zazueta, F.S. and Harrison, T.V. (eds.) Proc. Computers in Agriculture 1994. USA-FL-Orlando, 1994/02/05-09. ASAE, 2950 Niles Rd., St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659.


Sojka, R.E. and Westermann, D.T. and Brown, M.J. and Meek, B.D. (1993) Zone-subsoiling effects on infiltration, runoff, erosion, and yields of furrow-irrigated potatoes. Soil & Tillage Research. 25:351-368.


Kincaid, D.C. (1991) Too much of a good thing causes runoff problems. Potato Grower of Idaho Magazine. 20(2):11-12. Harris Publ. Company, Idaho Falls, ID.


Busch, J.R. and Kincaid, D.C. (1987) Reservoir tillage for controlling runoff and saving energy. Irrigation Energy Efficiency Bulletin for Bonneville Power Administration No. DOE/BP-21295-9. 2 pp.


Everts, Christopher J. and Carter, David L. (1981) Furrow Erosion and Topsoil Losses. University of Idaho Current Information Series No. 586. University of Idaho College of Agriculture. 4 pp.


Humpherys, A.S. (1975) Research Seeks Answers to Runoff Losses. Irrigation Age. 10(1):17.


Bondurant, James A. (1971) Quality of Surface Irrigation Runoff Water. Transaction of the ASAE. 14(6):1001-1003.


Bondurant, J.A. (1969) Automated Pumping Station for Reuse of Irrigation Runoff Water. pp. 139-143. In: CIGR (Commission Internationale du Genie Rural, VII Kongress). 1969/10/06-13.

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