People : Morishita, D.W.
Sojka, R.E. and Entry, J.A. and Orts, W.J. and Morishita, D.W. and Ross, C.W. and Horne, D.J. (2005) Synthetic- and bio-polymer use for runoff water quality management in irrigation agriculture. Water Science & Technology. 51(3-4):107-115.
Sojka, R.E. and Morishita, D.W. and Foerster, J.A. and Wille, M.J. (2003) Weed seed transport and weed establishment as affected by polyacrylamide in furrow-irrigated corn. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 58(5):319-326.
Conference or Workshop Item
Sojka, R.E. and Lentz, R.D. and Shainberg, I. and Trout, T.J. and Ross, C.W. and Robbins, C.W. and Entry, J.A. and Aase, J.K. and Bjorneberg, D.L. and Orts, W.J. and Westermann, D.T. and Morishita, D.W. and Watwood, M.E. and Spofford, T.L. and Barvenik, F.W. (2000) Irrigating with polyacrylamide (PAM) - Nine years and a million acres of experience. pp. 161-169. In: Proc. of 4th Decennial National Irrigation Symposium. USA-AZ-Phoenix, 2000/11/14-16. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
Sojka, R.E. and Entry, J.A. and Orts, W.J. and Morishita, D.W. and Ross, C.W. and Horne, D.J. (2003) Synthetic- and Bio-polymer use for runoff water quality management in irrigated agriculture. pp. 3/130-3/136. In: Bruen, M. (ed.) Proceedings of the 7th International Specialised Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Basin Management and 36th Scientific Meeting of the Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA). Ireland-Dublin, 2003/08/17-22.