People : Mackey, Bruce E.
Lentz, Rodrick D. and Sojka, Robert E. and Mackey, Bruce E. (2002) Fate and efficacy of polyacrylamide applied in furrow irrigation: Full-advance and continuous treatments. Journal of Environmental Quality. 31:661-670.
Trout, Thomas J. and Mackey, Bruce E. (1988) Furrow flow measurement accuracy. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 114(2):244-255.
Trout, Thomas J. and Mackey, Bruce E. (1988) Furrow inflow and infiltration variability. Transaction of the ASAE. 31(2):531-537.
Trout, Thomas J. and Mackey, Bruce E. (1988) Inflow-outflow infiltration measurement accuracy. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 114(2):256-265.