People : Lazar, V.A.
Mayland, H.F. and Grunes, D.L. and Lazar, V.A. (1976) Grass Tetany Hazard of Cereal Forages Based upon Chemical Composition. Agronomy Journal. 68(4):665-667.
Kubota, J. and Allaway, W.H. and Carter, D.L. and Cary, E.E. and Lazar, V.A. (1967) Selenium in Crops in the United States in Relation to Selenium-Responsive Diseases of Animals. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 15(3):448-453.
Mayland, H.F. and Florence, Arlene and Rosenau, R.C. and Lazar, V.A. (1975) Soil Ingestion by Cattle on Semiarid Range as Reflected by Titanium Analysis of Feces. Journal of Range Management. 28(6):448-452.