People : Hanks, R.J.
Technical Bulletin
Tillotson, W.R. and Robbins, C.W. and Wagenet, R.J. and Hanks, R.J. UNSPECIFIED Utah Agricultural Experiment Station.
Hill, R.W. and Hanks, R.J. and Wright, J.L. (1985) Crop yield models adapted to irrigation scheduling programs. Research Report No. 99. Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Utah State University, Logan Utah. 198 pp.
Book Section
Cary, J.W. and Hanks, R.J. (1972) The Usefulness of Water Potential Measurements in Soil and Related Media. In: Brown, Ray W. and Van Haveren, Bruce P., (eds.) Psychrometry in Water Relations Research. pp. 137-141. Utah Agric. Exp. Sta., Logan, UT.