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Crop and soil management to increase water infiltration into frozen soil

Pikul, J.L. and Aase, J.K. (1997) Crop and soil management to increase water infiltration into frozen soil. pp. 206-211. In: Proceedings Intl. Symposium on Physics, Chemistry, and Ecology of Seasonally Frozen Soils. USA-AK-Fairbanks, 1997/06/10-12.

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Crop and soil management to trap snow and
reduce spring-runoff have potential to increase soil
water storage. A randomized field-design using
ripped and non-ripped soil was used to test whether
tillage improved water infiltration into frozen soil.
Studies were conducted on annually grown spring
wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) near Culbertson,
Montana. Soil was a Dooley sandy loam (fineloamy,
mixed Typic Argiboroll). Ripping was with a
single shank at regular intervals on the contour. Soil
water was measured using neutron attenuation and
volumetric determinations. Final infiltration rate on
frozen soil averaged 17 mm h-1 and 2 mm h-1 on
ripped and non-ripped treatments, respectively. In
spring, average water content of the top 1.2 m of soil,
to a distance 1.5 m downslope from the rip, was 32
mm greater on ripped treatments compared to non-ripped
treatments at comparable slope positions.
There were no differences in wheat yield between
treatments. Infiltration measurements show that soil
ripping has potential to decrease water runoff.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
NWISRL Publication Number: 0939
Additional Information: **A.K.A NWISRL PUBLICATION 939a**
Subjects: Irrigation > Furrow irrigation > Infiltration
Mass Import - autoclassified (may be erroneous)
Depositing User: Dan Stieneke
Date Deposited: 20 Nov 2010 21:56
Last Modified: 22 Nov 2016 17:47
Item ID: 913