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Automated Single-Pipe Systems for Conveyance and Water Distribution

Humpherys, Allan S. (1982) Automated Single-Pipe Systems for Conveyance and Water Distribution. pp. 228-241. In: Proc. Irrig. Assoc. Techn. Conf. 1982/02.

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An advantage of gated pipe for irrigation is that it can be used both for
water conveyance and water distribution. A single gated pipeline is
normally used for a number of irrigation sets and this requires that one
group of gates be closed and another opened at each irrigation set change.
Since this requires considerable labor, different methods of automation
are being developed to minimize the labor requirement. In most automated
gated pipe systems, a separate pipeline is used for conveyance while
the gated pipe is used only for distributing water to the field. The
supply pipe is either buried or placed on the surface and has automated
valves attached to risers or outlets located along its length. This
constitutes a double-pipe system.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
NWISRL Publication Number: 0487
Subjects: Practical farm efficiency
Mass Import - autoclassified (may be erroneous)
Depositing User: Dan Stieneke
Date Deposited: 20 Nov 2010 21:57
Last Modified: 19 Jan 2017 18:32
Item ID: 1028